Page 51 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 36

The morning after the wedding and birth, Vanessa awoke to Violet Grace’s cries. Soothing her newborn, she cuddled her, kissed both cheeks and belly, and nursed the baby while Jon and Fernando slept on the couch and recliner.

“Good morning,” a hair-net-wearing cafeteria worker bellowed. Carrying a tray of breakfast food, she said, “With all of the hubbub yesterday, you didn’t get to fill out menu options. I brought you oatmeal, wheat toast, and orange juice. Hope that’s okay.”

“It’s perfect.” Vanessa propped the baby in the crook of her arm as she simultaneously raised the bed.

Obviously awakened by the worker and still dressed in green scrubs, Jon yawned while Fernando stretched.

Vanessa glanced at the men. “I bet you’re hungry too. Can they get a tray? They’re the dads.”

“Dads as in plural?” The employee shifted her feet as she studied both men. “Let me see what I can do. Be right back.”

Jon and Fernando yelled “Thanks” to the employee’s back and concurrently reached for Violet Grace. Laughing, both said, “You go first.”

“You two are definitely in sync.” Vanessa giggled. “Don’t worry. There’s enough of Violet Grace to go around. I’m going to need plenty of backup.”

“No problem there but I’ve got to pee. Go ahead, Fernando.” Jon escaped into the restroom. When he returned, Fernando bounced Violet Grace, two more breakfast trays had appeared, and a lab worker was drawing blood from Vanessa’s arm.

Jon grimaced. “Do you really have to do that while we eat?” He put his hand in front of his face. “I can’t watch.”

“My husband gets queasy around needles. Me? You could take my blood while I eat my bacon.”

“I won’t be long.” After the lab worker drew two vials of blood, she asked Vanessa to verify her name and date of birth, slipped the labeled vials in her pocket, and nearly ran into a volunteer carrying a huge bouquet of pink carnations. A pink balloon attached read, IT’S A GIRL!

Jon and Fernando’s mouths fell open. Fernando spoke first. “When did you find the time? I feel like a jerk.”

Shaking his head, Jon said, “I wish I could take credit but they’re not from me. Maybe Mom sent them.”

The elderly pink-smocked volunteer placed the flowers on a nightstand. “Congratulations.” She handed Vanessa the card.

Vanessa turned the envelope in her hands.

“Don’t keep us in suspense,” Fernando said.

As she tore the envelope open and read the card, Vanessa’s face became red and splotchy. Silent tears spilled down her cheeks.

Jon took a wild guess. “Your parents?”

Bobbing her head, she wiped her nose with the back of her hand while rereading the card written in her mother’s familiar scrawl.

“I hate how they upset you,” Jon said, as he reached for the baby.

Vanessa’s voice broke. “It’s actually good—no, wonderful—news.”

“Then tell us.” Fernando paused. “If you want to.”

Sniffling, Vanessa said, “I’ll read the card.”

Dear Vanessa,

Your father and I cannot tell you how sorry we are for how we’ve reacted to your pregnancy. We were wrong, so very wrong, and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us. We love you more than anything and can’t wait to see you and meet our new granddaughter. Please call or text if you’re willing. We want to see both of you as soon as possible.

Love, Mom & Dad

Crossing his arms, Jon said, “About time they came around. After all, your dad’s a preacher. I never could understand why they were so judgmental—”

“Jon, be nice. This is good news. Very good. Vanessa, I think you should give them Suzy’s address. She invited us over to enjoy our wedding food today. After you’re discharged, of course. What do you think?”