Page 47 of Babies at Coconuts

Fernando snapped his fingers. “Let’s call her Princess.”

Suzy laughed, then her eyes moistened. In her wildest dreams, she still couldn’t believe how this awkward predicament had already brought such joy and closeness among all of them.

Mama Gia never took her eyes off the baby. “She’s a beautiful bambino.”

Fernando and Jon stood on either side of Vanessa’s bed. “Take a picture, Mom.”

“On it.” Suzy angled her cell phone and took a gazillion photos.

Alex grabbed the cell from her. “Get over there, Grandma and Grandpa. You should be in the photo too.”

After seemingly a hundred pictures were taken for every family and generation, and some posted immediately on Suzy’s Weddings By Suzanne Facebook page, Fernando and Jon stared at the swaddled bundle.

“When will she open her eyes?” Fernando asked.

As if on cue, the baby’s eyes fluttered open.

Jon leaned closer. “Her eyes are stunning. They’re grayish blue. No, wait. They’re bluish purple, almost violet.”

Fernando clapped his hands together. “And . . . I believe we have a name: Violet.”

“I love it. Vanessa and Violet. We’ll be V-squared.” She kissed her baby. “Hello, Violet. Your mother loves you.”

“What a perfect, beautiful name,” Jon said.

Fernando stroked the baby’s cheek. “Princess Violet, welcome to your crazy, modern family.” He sniffled. “I love you already.”

Hope embraced Suzy. “That’s a beautiful name and a darling baby. Congrats.”

Alex slipped her arm through Suzy’s. “Another Hallmark movie moment. I can’t take much more of this sweetness.” She kissed Suzy’s cheek. “I’m thrilled for you, Suzy Q.”

Cradling the newborn, Vanessa pulled a soft knit pink cap over the baby’s head and kissed both her cheeks. “Hello, Violet.”

Mama Gia nodded. “Lovely. And her middle name?”

Vanessa laid Violet on her chest and reached for Jon and Fernando while Jon kept his other hand on Violet’s tiny back. “I’ve thought of a middle name. Since Jon and Fernando took the baby news so graciously, I want her middle name to be Grace.” Vanessa wiped a tear trailing down her cheek as her voice caught. “Everyone, meet Violet Grace.”

The room erupted with claps and cheers.

“What a gorgeous name,” Alex said. “Violet Grace. She sounds like a movie star.”

“Or a romance novelist,” Hope added.

Tears streamed down Suzy’s cheeks. “I love the name. I love her. Welcome to our family, Violet Grace.”

Ken hugged his wife. Izzy smiled, adding, “Lit name,” before retreating to the sanctity of her phone.

Jon scanned the room. “Where’s Dad?”

“He said it was our moment since we’re no longer married and left. I’m sure he’ll catch up with you later, hon.”

Jon’s face fell. “He should have stayed, but okay.”

The curly haired nurse, Alec, burst through the door. “Time for everyone to leave. The patient”—he glanced at the white board on the wall—“Vanessa must be tired. We don’t want to wear her out, plus she needs to nurse.” As he glanced around the room and spotted Alex, his lips curved into a smile. Giving an I-know-what-you-did nod, he said, “You were trying to distract me earlier, weren’t you?” He waved his hand in the air. “Never mind. Don’t answer. Everyone, say your good-byes.” He glanced at Jon and Fernando. “The dads can stay if they wish.”

Alex gathered her purse and elbowed Hope. “Let’s go to Coconuts. We have a baby to celebrate.” As she passed the male nurse she nudged him with her elbow. “Thanks for being cool.”

Mama Gia clapped her hands. “Chop, chop, boys. You heard the man. Let’s go. Besides, I need help warming the food. We never got to eat earlier.”

Jon and Fernando exchanged glances.

Fernando grabbed the bed rail in a vise grip. “We’re staying.”

“Go ahead, Mom. Enjoy the food. We’d rather be here.”

Suzy couldn’t have been more proud of Jon and her new son-in-law. Glancing at Mama Gia, she said, “Let’s save the food for tomorrow. Everyone come over to our house. We have a lot to celebrate.” Giving both dads a group hug, she said, “You have your priorities in order, guys. I love you both.”