Chapter 31
Suzy approached a stern-looking nurse whose black hair was pulled into a too-tight bun. Speaking fast, she said, “I’m Suzy Jacobs. A pregnant woman was just brought in through the ER. Her name is Vanessa Nelson. What room is she in?”
“I can’t give out any information.” The employee turned toward her computer. “HPPA regulations, you know.”
Between the rushed wedding, the cop, and the early birth, Suzy had had enough. “You must be kidding.”
Standing at the counter, Jon’s voice rose to a crescendo after the clerk continually asked whether they were family. “We don’t want to miss the birth.”
Staring at her computer screen, the strict nurse said dully, “We keep the doors locked for security. I repeat. Are you family?”
Suzy decided to let Jon take the lead.
He shifted from foot to foot. “Not exactly.”
Fernando’s voice rose. “Yes, we are.”
Over her half glasses, the clerk peered from one man to the other. Jon and Fernando were still dressed in matching white linen outfits wearing flip-flops that read “Groom.”
Mama Gia stepped toward the counter, waved her arms, and said a string of sentences in Italian, including Bambino.
Suzy leaned across the counter, getting nearly nose to nose with the clerk. She pointed toward Jon and hissed, “He’s the dad. Let us in.”
The clerk studied Jon and Fernando. “It looks like you two just got married, so, I’m sorry, but this doesn’t compute. We have to be very careful, you know.” Lowering her voice, she added, “We had an attempted baby kidnapping last month.” Staring behind them at the growing line of patients and family members waiting to check in, she waved them aside. “Next.”
Easygoing Fernando stepped up to the counter, pointed toward Jon, and said a little too loudly, “My husband knocked up his former girlfriend at their high school prom, okay? That’s his baby. Will you let us innow?”
The woman’s mouth fell open as she simultaneously hit the buzzer. “Why didn’t you say so?” The wide steel doors magically opened. Everyone rushed inside the gleaming, antiseptic hallways. The clerk ran after them. “Wait. With all of the commotion I almost forgot. You need these.” She handed a fistful of hospital badges toward Suzy. “You have an interesting family.”
Like in a cartoon, everyone crowded into the hallway and nearly got stuck in the waiting room doorway. The usual-sulky Izzy burst into giggles. “Two at a time, everyone, just like the Ark.”
As soon as they took over the waiting area and plopped on worn, gray chairs, Ken, Izzy, Jon, and Fernando said they were going in search of coffee. Each returned with two fistfuls of coffee cups.
Ken sipped his coffee and handed a cup to Suzy. “We pretty much cleaned out the break room.”
“I’m too jittery to drink caffeine. You can have mine.” Suzy rubbed her arms. “It’s freezing in here. Why are hospitals always so cold?”
Pacing, Jon asked, “What’s taking so long?” He walked in the same spot so many times, Suzy feared he’d wear a hole in the carpet.
“I’m sure everything’s fine. First babies generally take longer,” Suzy said.
“But her water broke,” Jon said.
Suzy crossed her legs. “So did mine with you but it still took another three hours before—”
Jon put his hands over his ears. “La. La. La. Honestly, Mom. No one wants to hear that, especially me.”
“Or me,” Izzy slouched in a corner chair beneath a television.
“Add me to that list too.” Alex and Hope practically galloped inside with Bill and Suzy’s parents on their heels. “Who’s the Nazi at the front counter?” Alex asked. “What a witch. I thought I’d have to call our bank attorney before she’d let us come back here.”
Suzy giggled. “I’m surprised she let you inside the family area. We were barely allowed admittance.”
“You know Alex. She’s persistent,” Hope said.
“Easy peasy.” Alex blew on her knuckles with satisfaction. “I told her we’re the aunties, grandparents, and great-grandparents.”
Hope hugged Suzy. “Any news?”