Page 14 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 11

Suzy interjected, “Maybe the guys should have told you but I assume they wanted to tell you in person. That’s how we all found out, even Jon and Fernando. It seemed easier seeing the burden of proof, so to speak.” She moved closer to Vanessa and beamed. “I’m going to be a grandma.” She paused. “So are you, Mama Gia. How do you like the sound of that?”

Mama Gia stared at Vanessa for several long seconds before she got back up, embraced her, buried her face in the young woman’s neck, and sobbed. Loudly. Stroking the young girl’s auburn hair, she spoke in Italian saying, “Bambino,” “Amore,” and “Nonna.” Glancing at Suzy, she said, “Nonna means Grandma.” She reached for Vanessa’s belly. “It’s okay if I touch you?”

Vanessa nodded while Mama Gia rubbed her belly. “A baby. A wedding and a baby.” She glanced upward, mumbled, and finally said, “I can’t believe this.”

Mama Gia called her sons over. “Boys, come here. I want you to meet someone. First, I make a speech.” Clanging on her wineglass, she said, “We’ve gathered here to celebrate Fernando and Jon. This is a momentous occasion. Not only is Fernando my first son to marry but he has chosen a fine man to join our family. Welcome to the Russo family, Jon.” She sniffled. “And there’s more big news. Sons, meet Jon’s former girlfriend, Vanessa.”

The room fell silent.

“Girlfriend?” Luigi said. “Ma, I think you’ve had too much wine.”

Vinny grinned. “Our mama gets confused.”

Mama Gia shushed her sons and likely would have thumped their heads if they had been standing closer. “I’m not confused. Vanessa was Jon’s girlfriend in high school. Now she’s pregnant with his baby.”

“What?” Frankie said.

Luigi’s mouth fell open.

“Now I’m confused,” Vinny said.

A red-faced Vanessa attempted to scoot her chair back. Eventually shuffling into a standing position, she leaned on the table, nearly toppling over her water in the process.

Jon’s eyes grew wide. “What are you doing?”

Clearing her throat, Vanessa said, “I know this is difficult to understand. Almost impossible.” Her voice broke. “I sprang this on everyone. Jon and Fernando have been wonderful about the unexpected baby news.” Her voice cracked. “I hope you’ll accept it too.” She took a breath. “As Fernando mentioned, Jon and I dated in high school. For two years, actually. He told me he was gay our senior year. I didn’t care. I thought I was in love with him. When the prom came, I was sick of being a virgin and made sure he was drunk. Very drunk and—”

The blood drained from Jon’s face. “They don’t want to know every detail.”

“Yes we do,” Luigi said.

“I’m all ears,” Frankie said.

“Yo, continue,” Vinny said.

“Boys.” Mama Gia frowned at her sons before saying, “Go on.”

Vanessa glanced toward Jon as if asking for his input. He shook his head and shrugged, giving mixed signals. Blowing out her breath, she said, “Basically, I was afraid I’d lose Jon forever once he went to Europe after graduation. I knew he’d probably meet someone . . .” She winked at Fernando. “And he did. At the prom, peer pressure got to me and I wanted to have sex with my boyfriend. It’s as simple—and as complicated—as that.” Rubbing her belly, she said, “Now we’re going to have a baby.” She stared from face to face. “All of us.”

Fernando blurted, “We’re having a girl!”

As everyone cheered, clapped, and clanked wineglasses, Jon helped Vanessa back into her chair and kissed her on the cheek. Fernando kissed the other cheek.

Mama Gia burst into tears, muttering a string of Italian phrases.

“English, Mama,” Fernando said.

Puffing her enormous chest out, Mama Gia said, “I’m going to be a Nonna.”

One by one, Vinny, Frankie, and Luigi stood and made boisterous toasts razzing their brother and warning Jon.

“Yo, Jon. Call me if you need help with Fernando,” Vinny said.

Frankie held his glass in the air. “It’s all good. Don’t worry ‘bout it.”

“I’ll help with anything besides babies.” The Mighty Mouse-shaped Luigi laughed. “That’s not my territory.”