Chapter 75
After almost zero sleep, Alex drove to Show-Me Bank filled with dread. She had watched Hannah’s amazing interview on the ten o’clock news. Hannah was perfect. Freaking perfect. And I froze.
Even though there was a cloudless, cornflower blue sky and bright sunshine, Alex’s mood felt like the darkest, soggiest, rainy day. Punching in the back door code, Hannah rushed up the sidewalk before Alex had a chance to get inside.
“Did you see my interview on the news? I did pretty well, don’t you think?”
“I missed it,” Alex lied. She knew it was childish but couldn’t stand Hannah’s gloating after her own epic failure.
The intern’s shoulders slumped. “That’s too bad.” Then she brightened. “I bet it’s on the Ozarks5 website. I’ll find it for you.” As they strolled through the lobby, Alex darted into her office as she heard high-fives and applause for Hannah. She couldn’t face the employees, let alone her boss.
Alex turned on her computer, leaned forward, and pretended to be involved in an intricate budgetary document.
Shouting bubbly thank-yous and blowing kisses to the employees, Hannah eventually entered Alex’s office and threw her purse onto a chair. She retrieved her iPad, propped up her feet, and began scrolling. In a singsong voice, she said, “I’ll find the video from last night’s news. You’ve got to see it. I was really good if I say so myself.”
Alex rolled her chair back. “I need coffee first.” Actually, I need a barf bag.I’ll never be able to face anyone at Ozarks5 again.
Before she made it out of her office, a beaming Jim Hooban blocked her door. When he spotted his daughter, he clapped. Loudly. “Bravo, Hannah. You made me and everyone at Show-Me Bank proud.” He glanced at Alex, “Nice of you to let Hannah handle the on-air interview. This’ll be great for her portfolio.”
Alex studied her glossy red heels, wondering if she should admit she froze on camera and get it over with.
Before she could speak, Hannah said, “Thanks, Daddy. Alex, er, well, she—”
Alex held her intern’s gaze, wondering if she’d out her.
Cocking her head, Hannah said, “Alex insisted I do the interview since I did all of the work.” She paused. “Except for the weird food at the beginning. She handled that.”
Knowing she had to tread lightly, Alex simply said, “I understand Hannah did a great job with the interview. I’ll pull it up on the Ozarks5 website soon.”
Jim turned toward his daughter. “You were marvelous, honey. Couldn’t have been better.” He grinned. “In fact, you could be a television anchor but don’t get any ideas. We don’t want to lose you, do we, Alex?”
Alex gave a half nod and half shake, hoping her boss didn’t pick up on her disdain for his precious daughter.
Jim sat in the chair beside Hannah, obviously to gush further. “Mrs. Timmons and two other board members have already called to compliment us on the event. They mentioned you in particular, Hannah. I’m so proud of my little girl.”
Alex felt nauseous. She couldn’t wait until her boss left her office and knew she’d have to hide out all day or hear how amazing Hannah was from every single Show-Me Bank employee.
Checking his watch, Jim said, “I have a customer. Talk to you two later.” He turned to Alex. “Too bad the plaques didn’t show up in time. I guess we can hand them out at the next board meeting.”
“Oh, Alex handled that too. I forgot.” Hannah dared Alex with her eyes. “Better luck next time, boss.”
Fuming, Alex couldn’t wait to get some black coffee and wished she had some Bailey’s to pour inside. This is going to be another hellish day. The minute she was upstairs she texted her friends and asked them to meet her after work at Coconuts.
To her surprise, Tony was in her office when she came downstairs. Naturally, Hannah flirted with him—or maybe it was the other way around. “Well, well. Look who is at the bank a day late.”
“Hello to you too,” Tony said.
Hannah leaned over giving him full view. “I’ll leave you alone.”
After she left, Tony turned to Alex. “She seems nice. How was the bank party?”
Alex glared at him. “It was a total fucking disaster. I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know just the thing to cheer you up.”
Alex closed the door and crossed her arms. “Don’t you dare mention the Tony and Alex show. I’m not in the mood for that one.”
Tony reached for her arm. “We haven’t seen it in quite a while. I miss that show. Are you sure?”