Page 103 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 73

Alex returned from the trophy shop after ordering engraved plaques featuring a photo of Show-Me Bank with the anniversary dates listed. The owner said it would be impossible to deliver them that evening but he’d get them to her soon.

Driving back to the bank like an Indy 500 racer, Alex rushed inside the lobby, waved to a few more—but still sparse number of guests—and made her way to the kitchen area. She heard a knock on the back door and found a smiling Cheri with more food.

Alex reached for the bags. “Need some help?”

Cheri bobbed as she struggled with the weight. Once inside the employee lounge, she plunked them on the counter.

“What’s in there?” Alex asked. “A bear cub?”

“I bought a little of everything as fast as I could.”

“Impressive shopping skills.”

Cheri plucked out bags of cheddar and pepper jack cubed cheese, four containers of pulled pork brisket, barbecue sauce, potato salad, and coleslaw. Working quickly, she sliced a fresh pineapple and mixed chunks with the coleslaw and Greek yogurt. Winking, she said, “I hope this isn’t too fancy for your boss.”

Alex snorted. “It looks delicious.”

After she rinsed strawberries and blueberries, Cheri expertly cut a watermelon into a basket shape, complete with a handle. She placed the round chunks of watermelon she had scooped out inside along with the other fruit.

Alex peered over her shoulder as she worked. “How did you do that so fast?”

“Practice.” Cheri dumped the contents from salsa, guacamole and spinach dip into shell-shaped bowls and surrounded the condiments with chips. “I feel like I’m getting ready for a Fourth of July celebration.”

Alex relaxed. “Jim will love it. Honestly, it looks great. Thank you, Cheri. Sorry my boss dissed your expensive food. I’m sure you slaved over it.”

Brushing hair out of her face, Cheri kept working. “No worries. I want my clients to be happy. I guess I went overboard trying to impress you.”

“Impress me?” Alex’s mouth fell open.

Beads of sweat formed on Cheri’s forehead. “This is the first time I’ve had real friends, so yes, I wanted to impress you.”

Alex hugged her. “You’re a sweetheart.” While Cheri finished arranging the food, she peeked out the door as Mrs. Timmons welcomed a few more board members who had finally ambled inside.

Jim crossed the room in two steps to greet them. Alex chuckled when he nearly shook their hands off. This night is so important to him. I’ve got to pull it out of the toilet.

Cheri straightened her white and gold apron. “Here goes nothing. Wish me luck.” Expertly balancing two heavy trays on each hand, she approached the linen-covered table. Thankfully, Hannah had already placed clean dishes, utensils, and napkins on the table. Moving quickly, Cheri set the hot appetizers on one end and cold on the other.

The smell of the barbecue apparently enticed the bank president who crossed the lobby and inspected the new food. After Jim noticed the redone spread, he reached for the pulled pork and plopped barbecue sauce on top.

Alex stood near Cheri, finding it hard to breathe as she waited for her boss’s reaction.

Barely catching a dark red blob before it landed on his crisp, white shirt, the bank president said, “This is more like it, Miss- Van Buren, is it?”

Cheri winked at Alex who blew out her breath, finally able to relax.

Shaking Cheri’s hand with his free one, Jim continued. “This is delicious.” He took another bite and asked, “By the way, are you related to Thomas Van Buren?”

Cheri’s eyebrows shot up. “He’s my dad. My mom is Victoria. Do you know them?”

Jim heaped his plate with brisket, pulled pork, potato salad, and coleslaw. “I’m sure everyone in the finance world knows the Van Burens.” He crammed cubed cheese in the middle of his overflowing plate.

“I suppose so. Enjoy.” She retreated to the kitchen, unhappy her cover was busted.

Alex studied the interaction between her friend and boss while never taking her eyes off the front door. Ten of the fifteen board members had arrived, which given the short amount of time, she’d take. The Chamber president and several Chamber Ambassadors had also arrived. Breathing a sigh of relief, Alex thanked them for coming and pointed toward the food table.

She began to relax as she kept her eyes on Jim who finally appeared to be enjoying himself. Between greeting current and potential customers, he worked the room and seemingly shook hands with everyone. Employees chatted, two lines formed on either side of the buffet table, and realizing she hadn’t eaten since breakfast, Alex forced herself to eat a few cheese cubes.

Doing her best to enjoy the event between bites, Alex focused on the dignitaries and board members who chatted. Wishing her boss allowed alcohol at the anniversary event, she could hardly wait to have a glass of wine. After all the mishaps, she sorely needed a drink—or two.

Hannah glided through the lobby as if she were on ice. Alex couldn’t hate her more. Normally she was calm and totally in charge, but after the hiccup over the too-fancy food and the evites disaster, she was off her game.

Doing her best to remain attentive and gracious, Alex kept one eye on the door and the other on her boss. Where are the media? I thought at least one radio or television station would show up.