Page 65 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 47

Alex settled into their favorite table at Coconuts. Suzy and Hope arrived within minutes of each other. After a group hug and a quick conversation about the baby, Vanessa, and the funeral, Alex said, “Suzy, I know your family needs you more than ever. Are you sure you’re up to this?”

Waving her hand in the air, Suzy said, “This is exactly what I need, trust me.” Her eyes reddened. “It’s been unbelievable but I don’t want to talk about my problems.” She paused and grinned. “I’d rather hear about yours, Alex.”

Alex balled up a napkin and threw it at her. “Suzy Q, that’s not nice, but considering everything, you’re forgiven.”

At that moment, Cheri ran inside, attempting to throw her arms around all three women. “I’ve missed you girls.”

After the group hug, Alex said, “I’m so glad you’re back.”

“We’ve missed you, Cheri.” Hope waved Gus over.

When Gus appeared, Cheri said, “Angry Balls all around. It’s on me.” She hung her leopard print purse on the back of her chair. “I insist.”

Laughing almost maniacally, Alex said, “Angry Balls is the perfect drink right now.”

“Let me guess,” Hope said. “This is about the cop.”

Alex studied her nails. “My problems feel trivial after what you’ve been through, Suzy. I hate to even bring them up, but still—” She waited on the drink. “I need reinforcement first.”

“That means it’s definitely the cop. Am I right?” Hope asked.

Alex nodded. Tears threatened but she forced them away.

Once the amber drinks containing two maraschino cherries arrived, Cheri held hers in the air. “To girlfriends and nice guys.”

“Here, here,” everyone added.

Hope sipped the cocktail. “I know your relationship is complex.”

Alex laughed like a hyena as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Complex. Yeah, that’s a nice term for it but our relationship falls more into a catastrophic realm. That isn’t even a strong enough word.”

“What happened?” Suzy sipped her cocktail. “It must be pretty bad to call an emergency meeting.”

Cheri studied Alex. “I’m glad I don’t have a boyfriend.”

Hope clinked her glass with the New Yorker’s. “Cheers to that. Go ahead, Alex.”

Alex took a deep breath. “Who knew that Tony would have the ex from hell and brother from whatever’s worse than hell.” She threw both hands in the air. “I’m ready to give up.”

Suzy reached for the truffle-flavored popcorn Gus had slipped in front of them. “So tell us already.”

Alex splayed her hands on the table. “For a change of pace, I had the brilliant idea to surprise Joey and Tony by showing some interest in the little guy.”

“That’s a good thing.” Hope studied her friend. “And . . . what did you do exactly?”

“I went to Joey’s Little League ballgame.”

Hope’s eyebrows knitted. “Someone had a problem with that?”

“It seems everyone had a problem with it.” Alex ticked off her fingers. “Tony’s brother, Sean, a total jerk, sat beside me, and blew smoke in my face. His ex, Nikki, nearly accosted me when she spotted Tony kissing me. She told me to leave the ballpark. The worst? Tony concurred.”

Cheri’s mouth fell open. “He didn’t stand up for you?”

Shaking her head, Alex said, “Nothing comes between Tony and Joey. Nothing and no one. Meanwhile, our relationship continues to deteriorate.”

Hope patted her arm. “You know Suzy and I told you nearly a year ago to date around.”