Chapter 32
A too-long twenty minutes later, the doctor returned and asked if the father was present. Jon and Fernando exchanged glances.
Fernando gave Jon a nudge. “You are. Go ahead.”
The doctor observed the interplay but only said, “Follow me.”
Hesitating, Jon said, “Actually, we’re co-parenting.” He pointed toward Fernando. “We’re both dads. Can he come too?”
The weary doctor said, “One at a time, please. Vanessa’s extremely tired.”
“It’s okay.” Fernando forced a grin. “I’ll be fine.”
Alex whispered to Suzy, “Fernando’s crestfallen. Look at his sad face. This isn’t right. He’s going to be the dad too.”
“I know but what can we do? I’d love for them both to see the baby at the same time but hospitals have policies.”
“I don’t like it.” Alex jutted her chin out and paced. “I’ll think of something.”
Fernando’s brothers played a card game in the corner. Bill and Ken alternately read magazines or watched television. Izzy stared at her phone, and Suzy’s parents cuddled in the corner, content and excited after Suzy had filled them in on the momentous backstory. Hope held hands with Suzy while casting worried glances in Alex’s direction.
Alex chewed on a nail, then brightened. “I’ve got it.” Reaching for Fernando’s hand, she said, “Come with me. You should be with them.” She studied the group. “Am I right?”
Everyone nodded or murmured “Yes” as Alex tugged on Fernando’s hand. “Trust me. I’ll get you in the room.”
Fernando’s forehead creased. “How?”
“Watch and learn, baby.” Alex took a deep breath, winked at Hope, and pushed the heavy door open.
Fernando took a tentative step behind Alex, obviously nervous about whatever stunt she had in mind. As the antiseptic smell filled his nostrils, he started as Alex took a few steps, tripped on something, and yelled out in pain.
Splayed on the shiny floor, Alex adjusted her position, rubbed her ankle, and moaned. “Ow. Help! Help!” She glanced around the empty hall, half sat, and spoke louder. “Hey. Does this hospital have any nurses or doctors?”
Frozen in place and clearly unsure as to whether he should retreat to the waiting area or continue with the charade, Fernando shoved his hands in his pockets, crouched down, and whispered. “Are you really hurt?”
“Shhh.” Still dressed in a red strapless sundress, heels, and a purple Hibiscus flower behind her ear, Alex knew most men would find her irresistible.
Fernando tried to relax when he spotted two male nurses glance up from their computers, notice the gorgeous “patient” on the floor, and leap from behind the nursing station. He contained his amusement as they bounded toward Alex.
Both dressed in scrubs, the nurse with a mass of curly black hair bent down first and pressed on her leg. “Did you fall?”
Alex winced. “Uh-huh.”
He gingerly touched her ankle. “Does this hurt?”
“Ow. Yes. My knee hurts too. I think I might need an x-ray.” She snuck a glance toward Fernando and pointed with her head toward the patient rooms while the unknowing nurse continued to examine her ankle.
Fernando took the hint and disappeared down the hallway.
Alex waited until he was out of sight before assuring the nurses she didn’t need a gurney. Smiling her biggest toothpaste-commercial smile, she said, “You guys are so good. I think your being here made me better.” For good measure, she rotated her foot. “See? Nothing’s broken. I’m fine.”
The tall, balding nurse wasn’t having it. “Let’s get you to x-ray. I’ll find a wheelchair.”
“Wheelchair? What am I? Ninety?”
“Procedure, ma’am.” The tall nurse persisted. “We take every precaution at CCH. In fact, I’ll need to write up an incident report.”
Alex groaned. “You’re kidding, right? People trip all of the time. We don’t need to make a federal case out of this.” Suddenly regretting her decision, she decided to flirt with the curly headed nurse, turning all of her attention toward him. “How long have you worked here? I bet all of the female patients request you.”