Page 40 of Babies at Coconuts

Chapter 30

Breasts bouncing, Mama Gia corralled her sons. Between breaths, she asked, “Where’s the hospital? We’re going too.”

Suzy’s heart raced thinking about all of the commotion but knew the Russos had as much right to be there as the rest of the family. “Crystal City Hospital’s on Sunshine and National. Meet you there. Come on, Jon and Fernando.” Sprinting toward her car, Suzy stopped midway as she remembered Izzy. “Wait. I almost forgot my stepdaughter.”

“What’s new?” Izzy said.

Ken actually frowned at his daughter. “Izzy, this is Jon and Fernando’s big day. We had a talk about this. There’s going to be a new addition to the family. Hurry up and get in the car.”

As Suzy backed out, she glanced toward the wedding venue. The crowd had gathered around the food and drinks. The DJ flooded the air with beachy songs. The show must go on—with or without the wedding party.

Happy the guests stayed, she drove away, but frowned. The cake.Their beautiful tropical cake complete with palm trees, a colorful parrot on the side, and topped with two miniature grooms. Suzy let out a small groan. “Jon and Fernando didn’t get to cut and eat their gorgeous cake. It doesn’t matter. The baby matters.”

“I hope we get to the hospital in time,” Izzy said from the backseat.

Rubbing her temples, Suzy didn’t respond. Instead, she pushed harder on the gas pedal. Running a yellow light and then a red one, she put her flashers on. “I hope she doesn’t have the baby in the ambulance.”

A white-faced Fernando nodded. “Me too.”

“Mom, hurry.” Jon tightened his seatbelt. “Don’t lose the ambulance.”

“I’m on it.” Suzy glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed Jon and Fernando were holding hands so tightly that both of their knuckles had turned white.

Ken reached over and rubbed Suzy’s leg. Eyes twinkling, he said, “Hi, Grandma.”

“Not yet. I’m not a grandma yet, anyway. I’d much prefer she have the baby in a sterile delivery room.” Gasping, Suzy said, “My parents. I forgot my parents.”

“Under control. I asked Alex and Hope to bring them.” Ken wrinkled his nose. “I think I saw Bill cramming into Alex’s car too.”

Suzy shrugged. “I guess we really are one huge, extended family now.”

The next ten blocks felt like fifty. Suzy pressed on the gas, passed Mama Gia, and rolled down the window, motioning for her to follow.

Another siren wailed. Suzy glanced in the rearview mirror. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her shoulders slumped as a patrol car with swirling lights got behind her. Peering in the mirror again, Suzy said, “That cop looks like Tony. I’m not stopping.”

Ken stiffened. “You might get arrested.”

“And I might not. I think there are surely exceptions to the rule. Like a baby.”

Ken’s eyebrows shot up. “I hope so.”

Izzy peered back at the officer. “This is lit. I feel like I’m on a cop TV show. This has been the best wedding ever.”

Ken turned to face his daughter in the backseat. “Don’t get any ideas, Iz. Suzy would normally never speed.”

“Right. A baby delivery is an exception, Izzy.” When Suzy caught the next red light, she stopped and checked her rearview mirror. The cop jumped out of his car. It wasn’t Tony.

Sauntering toward her vehicle much too slowly, a short police officer with a buzz cut said, “Do you realize you were speeding, ma’am? Pull over to the shoulder after this light turns green.”

“I can’t. Baby.” The light turned green and Suzy stepped on the gas.

The cop jumped back in his car and followed her all the way to the hospital, siren blaring.

Undaunted, Suzy parked near the emergency room entrance in time to see the paramedics take Vanessa out of the ambulance and rush inside. “Thank goodness she hasn’t had the baby.”

Jon and Fernando hopped out of her vehicle like they were kangaroos.

As Suzy threw her purse over her shoulder, the uniformed officer approached her again. He wasn’t smiling.