Page 37 of Babies at Coconuts

Shrugging, Alex said, “Well, she is.”

Once she made it down the petal-covered aisle, Vanessa unceremoniously plunked down in a chair on the second row near Jon’s grandparents.

As the traditional wedding march began—seemingly the only thing traditional about this day—everyone rose and stared toward a beaming Jon and Fernando. Holding hands, the two men were dressed in matching white linen pants, white button-down shirts, and sported Bird of Paradise boutonnieres. Both were barefoot and couldn’t stop smiling.

A photographer snapped photo after photo as the grooms made their way down the aisle while enjoying raucous cheers, thumbs-up, and a few happy tears. Once they stood before the priest, the photographer crouched nearby.

Luigi, Vinny, and Frankie hooted and whistled.

“Yo, Fernando.”

“Yeah, baby.”

“He’s all yours, Jon.”

Alex studied the grooms. “Aren’t they handsome? I love their matching white outfits.” She chuckled. “I think someone went to a tanning salon first.”

“Shhh. Let’s watch,” Hope said. “This is dreamy.”

As the priest welcomed everyone, Bill slid in beside Alex who jumped.

Grinning, he said, “Sorry to startle you. Scoot over.”

Alex whispered, “Glad you could make it. You’re making me look good. I’m usually the late one.”

Suzy’s ex grimaced. “Not only am I tardy, I promised to help set up today.”

“What happened?” Alex asked.

“I was researching a hunting site in Chama. I got excited, called my buddies, and lost track of time. Simple as that.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Suzy will kill me. She always hated how my hunting got in the way of our marriage.” Bill sighed. “Guess she was right.”

Another guest quieted them. Alex glared at the woman, saying, “Relax.” She turned toward Bill. “Yep, she’s going to kill you.”

Hope stared at the two grooms as if she were watching her favorite movie. Elbowing Alex, she said, “This almost makes me want to get married.”

“Not me,” Alex said.