Idiot that I am, I basically handed Danielle and her husband all the evidence they need to prove I’m not fit for any sort of custody on a silver platter.
That video paints a picture of a kid who isn’t ready to be a parent. And if I were watching similar footage of someone else, I’d agree.
But that night, fear took over. I ran away and got drunk in order to avoid my feelings.
I can’t do that anymore.
Silence stretches between us.
“The pizza should be here any minute,” she says softly, passing by me on her way out of the kitchen.
Eyes closed, I focus on steadying my breathing. I need to get my shit together. I asked Rosie for her help because even though our friendship fell apart, I’ve always known I can trust her. Now it’s time to show her that. Regardless of how hard it might be. I’ve been fighting this battle on my own for months. Iwantedto confess to Cree, but he’s been too busy chasing after his girlfriend, Ophelia, to care. My meltdown nearly fucked up their relationship, but they’ve since made up. Doesn’t make me feel any less guilty for being an asshole, though.
At the sound of the front door opening, I peek around the corner to see Rosie accepting the pizza and a bag with a smile. When she turns, I quickly duck my way back into the kitchen.
“Spying on me?” she quips, setting the food on the counter.
My stomach sinks. “No.”
“Seemed like it to me.” She takes out a liter of Coke from the bag. “We don’t have plates, so you’ll have to eat over here with me instead of sulking in the corner like a creeper.” Flipping the lid of the pizza box back, she groans and inhales the smell of the peppers. “Get over here. I’m starving.”
She hops up onto the counter again and picks up a slice. I close the distance between us and snag one of my own. Closing the box so the pizza stays warm, I lean against the wall across from her.
“What would your mom say if she could see us right now?”
Chewing, she holds a finger up. “Number one, this,” she wags that same finger between us, “would probably have her spontaneously combusting with excitement, but you already know that. As for the pizza…” She shrugs, surveying the slice in her hand. “She’d probably go into cardiac arrest. She might be able to stomach a chef-prepared, fully fresh pizza. But Pizza Hut? No way in hell.” She wipes the corner of her mouth with her finger. It comes away with a drop of sauce that she quickly licks away.
And now my dick is hard.
I send up a prayer that Rosie doesn’t notice my current predicament. The last thing I need is her thinking I’m attracted to her.
“You know,” she begins, lowering her focus to her lap, “Thanksgiving is next week. I’m expected at home, and I assume you are too. There’s no way we can avoid telling them about this.”
Our parents.
My brothers.
Her sister.
Keeping this from them has made it easy to ignore our reality. That’s all about to change.
“I know.”
“How should we go about telling them?”
I press my lips together and rack my brain but come up empty. “I don’t know. But I don’t think it mattershowwe tell them. They’re not going to be happy that we didn’t include them.”
She huffs, probably annoyed I’m not offering a legitimate idea, and opens the lid, then drops a piece of crust into the box. “I’m going to shower, and then I’m crashing.”
“All right.” I reach for a second slice, leaving it at that. I’d rather avoid the conversation for as long as I can.
Maybe we should have called and broken the news. I’m suddenly regretting the idea of telling Rosie’s father we’re married while he’s holding a carving knife. There’s a good chance I’ll be carved up right along with the turkey. But it’s too late to change our plans now.
Within minutes of her departure, the room istooquiet, and I find myself missing her presence.
Not that I’d ever tell her that.