“Great. Thanks for being sure to include me in all of this.” I gesture to the table and take a seat.

As I do, Teddy plunks the sombrero down on my head.

I close my eyes and groan. “Are we going to get in trouble for wearing these?” I ask. “This feels wrong.”

“No, the waitress gave them to me. They use them for parties.”

Great. Now there is no getting out of this.

“Fantastic,” I grumble, roughing a hand down my face.

The waitress stops by for our drink order and places two bowls of chips and salsa on the table.

Cree, Luke, and I dig in. I didn’t have time to eat after practice, and it looks like they’re just as ravenous. Jude and Teddy, on the other hand, look downright scared.

Teddy raises his hands. “I’ll… uh… wait for her to bring some more. You guys have at it.”

I still can’t get over the fact that Teddy’s even here. He’s like a whack-a-mole that just pops up randomly and disappears again.

“Here you guys go,” our waitress says with a smile, setting our drinks on the table.

I grab my Corona and squeeze the lime into the bottle. As I take that first pull, I survey my friends. Even though I was reluctant about coming out tonight—and still butt hurt that my friends weren’t there for me when I needed them—I’m glad I did.

Every one of them had their own shit going on too, so I’m getting over it. After what I went through with Rosie, I’ve learned my lesson about holding a grudge.

Teddy gasps so loudly that beside me, Luke looks like he’s ready to jump out of his skin.

“What the fuck, dude?” Jude shakes his head.

He shared a dorm room with Teddy until this year. He knows the guy too damn well.

“They have karaoke.”

As a collective, we all groan.

Luke gives a chuckle. “Am I wrong, or did you sing karaoke at Harvey’s dressed as Voldemort last year?”

Teddy’s face splits in a grin. “Fuck yes. I’m glad my performance was rememorable.”

“Rememorable?” Jude repeats, sneaking a chip while Cree isn’t paying attention. “Dude, I think you mean memorable.”

Teddy shrugs. “You knew what I meant.”

With Teddy, you never know what’ll come out of his mouth or what will happen next. It’s best to be prepared for any scenario.

By the time I have a full beer in me I’m feeling mellow.

Maybe it’s the beer, or maybe it’s because I’m a fucking dad now, but I’m feeling nostalgic tonight. How many more nights will we have like this as a group? Graduation is only a few months away, and then we’ll all be going our separate ways.

When my phone buzzes in my pocket, I dig it out, and I can’t help but grin when I see Rosie’s name.

Rosie: How’s it going? Do I need to call with a fake emergency to save you?

Me: It’s fine.

Rosie: Okay. Have fun.

I put my phone away, and when I look up, every guy around the table is staring at me. “What?” I ask stupidly.