She wrinkles her nose. “God, no.”

I clench my hands into fists at my sides. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

She arches a brow, cocking her head to the side. “Your brother is hot, but no, I’ve never slept with him. Is that clear enough for you?”

“He’s into you.” It’s a statement, not a question.

“So?” she counters, kicking her feet up on the island and leaning back on the stool. “I’m married toyou.”

“He has a nickname for you.” The rage that’s taken over only grows at the memory of the way he called herpetal.

“You weren’t the only Hendricks I was friends with, Daire.” Her tone has completely changed. These words are gentle, like I’m a bomb she’s worried might go off.

“Petal,” I spit, “doesn’t seem to be the kind of nickname you give someone who’s only a friend.” My fists are clenched so tight the knuckles on my right hand are stiff. They’ll no doubt bruise after the way I laid Cash out. The fucker didn’t even attempt to fight back. That alone tells me he knows he’s in the wrong.

“Just because you hate me doesn’t mean the rest of your family does,” she whispers, eyes dropping to the bowl in front of her. “He asked me out last year when we were home for Christmas.”

This news is like a slap to the face. It’s ridiculous, to feel this way, but it fucking stings. “Did you go?”

She hesitates, running her tongue over her bottom lip. “Yes. But while we were out, I told him I just wanted to remain friends.”

“Why would you do that?”

She snorts. “Why do you sound so offended that I turned him down?”

“I… I don’t know.” I rough a hand over my face. What the fuck is wrong with me? “He’s a catch. You could do a lot worse than my brother.”

She shakes her head, frowning. “You are so fucking hot and cold, Daire. I can’t read you. I turned him down becauseyou’rethe one I always had a big, dumb crush on. Not him, or Roman, or any of your brothers. Just… you. You fucking idiot.”

She shoves back the barstool and stands, never taking her eyes off me. I’m trapped in her stare, my heart in my throat.

“I know you hate me as much as I hate you. I thought the stupid crush would go away when you… never mind.” She drops her head and gives it a shake, letting out a self-deprecating laugh. “But it didn’t. Don’t think for a second I agreed to this hoping it would turn into something real. I know it won’t. So don’t worry about me and my feelings or your stupid rule. But no, I’m notinterested in your brother, even if he likes me. He wouldn’t be you, and I’m not cruel enough to make him second best.”

She hesitates for a second, focus fixed on the floor in front of her, like she’s warring with herself about whether she should give me a chance to answer, but she ends up ducking around me, leaving me standing alone in the kitchen.

I drop my head back and mutter to the vaulted ceiling above me.“Fuck.”



As we sitside by side at the ice rink, I find myself constantly peeking over at Peter to make sure he’s okay. Out on the ice, the brothers and Veda are playing hockey three on three. Asher and Veda are on opposing teams, and although I can’t hear what Veda is saying, it’s clear she’s taunting Asher.

Normally, the temperature doesn’t get to me. Probably because I’m usually surrounded by fans. But Peter and I are alone, and it’s borderline frigid. I tug a pair of blue mittens with pearl detailing from the pocket of my coat. They were a gift from my mom last Christmas. Knowing her, there’s a possibility that the pearls are real.

With a centering breath, I find my courage and ask, “How are you feeling?”

Have I been avoiding my father-in-law since his return home from the hospital? Most definitely. The last thing I need is for him to faint and fall down the stairs at the sight of me.

“Fine.” His breath fogs the air, the tip of his nose pink. He fiddles with the scarf at his neck. “I wanted to ask you the same.”

I laugh lightly. “I’m okay.”

“Your dad called me.”

The flinch is involuntary. The ache in my chest is one I’ve been ignoring since that day at the hospital. “He did?”

He pats my knee and gives me a look of pure apology. “He’s not too happy with you, is he?”