“All so you can get custody of a kid that may or may not be yours?”
“He’s mine,” I bite out. “I don’t need a DNA test to know. But don’t worry; we’re working on that.”
She sighs, pinching her brow. “This has to be a prank.”
“It’s not a prank.”
She shakes her head. “Find someone else. You don’t even like me.”
That knot in my stomach doessome kind of weird flip.You don’t even like me. But she didn’t say she doesn’t likeme. Interesting.
“I can’t find someone else.”
Huffing, she rolls her eyes. “Please, any girl would jump at the chance to marry you. Go ask one of them.” She flutters her fingers at a congregation of girls outside the dining hall where I cornered Rosie as she was leaving.
She scrutinizes me for a heartbeat. Two. Three. “Why me?” Hands on her hips, she raises her chin defiantly.
“A multitude of reasons.”
“Name one,” she challenges, brows arched skeptically like she doesn’t believe I can.
Teeth gritted, I rattle off the list. “You know me. We grew up together. We have history. It’ll make the marriage more believable.”
She wrinkles her nose and takes a step back. “You have me there, but my answer is still no.”
She turns then, ready to walk away, but I clutch at her arm. She peers down at my hand wrapped around her bicep, eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Let go of me.”
“I’ll pay you. A million for every year we have to stay married.”
“Mm, let me think about it.” She twists her lips. “No.”
“Do you want more?”
“I don’t need your money, Hendricks. I have my own inheritance, thank you very much.”
“Yes,” I cock my head to the side, “but mine’s bigger.”
“Are you seriously trying to have a dick measuring contest with me? I assure you, I may be a girl, but mine’s bigger.”
“Your dick, sure, I’d believe it.” I grin. “But we both know my family is richer.”
She bristles at that, her posture going rigid.
“Your mother always wanted us to get married.”
Her shoulders sink, and she takes a step closer. Fuck yes. I’ve found the magic words.
“My mother is an idiot.”
Dammit. My stomach drops, along with my hopes. I guess not, then.
“You don’t get to ignore me for years and glower at me every time you see me just to then beg me for a so-called favor.” She wags a finger in front of my face. “A marriage isn’t a favor, Daire.”
She has a point, I know this, but I need her.