I pinch his cheek lightly. He’s so fucking cute.
I figured this new parent glow would’ve faded by now, but it’s just as strong as the day we brought him home, if not stronger. I’m not saying it’s easy. In fact, it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But it’s also the most rewarding, and damn, do I love being a dad. I’ll do this ten times over if Rosie will let me. Well, maybe notten, but four wouldn’t be so bad.
“What are you thinking about?” she asks, no doubt having noticed I zoned out.
Heat burns my cheeks, giving me away. “Nothing.”
She bounces Sammy, making him giggle. “Liar. You wouldn’t be blushing if you were thinking about something innocent.”
I tickle Sammy, and in response, he grasps my finger with a surprising amount of strength.
“I don’t think you want to know.”
“If it involves you and me naked, then I’m game.”
I laugh, ruffling my little guy’s hair when he lets go. “Shockingly, that wasn’t it.”
She cocks her head to the side, nose scrunched in curiosity. “What then?”
I blow out a breath, knowing she isn’t going to let this go. “More kids.”
It’s her turn to laugh. “I thought we talked about this.”
“I’m not saying it has to happen anytime soon. I know you’re not ready, and honestly, I’m not either. But this little guy makes me think about things I never did before. Ilikethis life. I like being at home, just us, our little family. I love playing with him and taking care of him. I just love being a dad.”
Her face softens. The warmth of her hand on my cheek is like a soothing balm.
“There’s nothing wrong with loving a more domestic life. We were raised to feed into the hustle and bustle. We grew up thinking being raised by nannies was normal, but in reality, very few people live that way. Choosing a different path for yourself isn’t wrong.”
I can’t help but smile. She’s voicing things I’ve been avoiding thinking about.
“You’re not going to judge me if I want to be a stay-at-home-dad?”
Her laughter is warm and kind. “No, never. It’s the twenty-first century. It shouldn’t be frowned upon if you’re a stay-at-home-dad and I’m the money-maker.”
Heart hammering against my sternum, I pull her in for a kiss.
Neither of us takes for granted the privilege we’ve been born into—the extensive trust funds that allow us the freedoms to essentially do what we want.
“I love you.”
She smiles, setting Sammy on the floor. Immediately, he crawls away. This is a new development that already has me dreading when he learns to walk.
“I know. I’m pretty easy to love.”
I grab her hip, pulling her into me. “That mouth of yours.”
Her eyes sparkle with challenge, a silent dare. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Oh. Don’t worry.” I look her up and down. “I’ll take care of you later.”
A few days later,I pull into the driveway beside an unfamiliar car. Immediately, my heart begins to race, and I break out in a cold sweat.
Someone’s here to take Sammy.
I’m half tempted to put the car reverse and flee, but the instant the driver steps out of the vehicle, my fears over Sammy halt in their tracks, and brand new fears rear their ugly heads.
Oh, shit.