“I’d never dream of it.”

After dinner, we head home in our separate cars. It comesas no surprise that Sammy drifted off on the way, but it doesn’t bode well for our bedtime routine.

“Aw, look at him,” Rosie says, coming up beside me in the driveway. “God, what I would give to sleep like a baby.”

I laugh at that. Rosie is a wild sleeper, constantly rolling from side to side and taking the covers with her when she does. I’ve learned to sleep under my own blanket.

As I unlatch the car seat, Sammy stirs a bit but doesn’t wake up.

“I think I’m going to skip bath time,” I tell her, heading for the door.

She unlocks it and steps inside, then holds it for me. “Are you sure?”

We give Sammy a bath every night. I read somewhere that establishing routine helps a child feel secure, and since Sammy’s whole life was upended overnight, it seemed important.

It still makes me sick thinking about him being in that car—how easily I could’ve lost my son for good before I ever got to know him.

“I guess it depends on him,” I hedge.

Rosie nods, dropping her purse to the counter. “If you’re okay on your own, I’m going to shower.”

“I’ve got it handled,” I assure her.

She leans in, giving me a quick kiss. “I love you. You know that, right?”

Hand on her waist, I pull her in again for a deeper kiss.

It still blows my mind that I get to kiss this woman any time I want. “I love you too.”

I head up with Sammy while she puts our leftovers in the fridge and set the car seat carefully on the floor beside the changing table.

Once I’ve got him unbuckled, I ease him out of the straps, but as I lift him out, he gives an annoyed grunt, and his eyes fly open. From there, the screaming sets in.

I internally cringe. I tried so hard not to wake him, but it was futile. “Sorry, bud.”

He continues to cry, bottom lip shaking.

Holding him close with one arm, I sway from side to side and snag a set of pajamas so they’re ready for afterward. Then I carry him into the bathroom.

Bath it is.

The kid loves bath time, so with any luck, this will calm him down.

I turn on the water, checking to make sure it’s the right temperature, and wait for the tub to fill before I undress him. While the kid loves baths, he doesn’t like the whole getting naked part.

His screaming intensifies once his clothes are off, but the second I get him settled onto the bath support, he calms down. As he hiccups, looking pitiful, I wet a washcloth and lay it over his chest to keep him warm.

Using the sleepy time soap, I wash him up with another cloth, making sure to clean beneath his chin and the rolls of his skin.

Finally, he smiles and kicks at the water, splashing me.

“Did you get Daddy wet?”

He giggles in response.

“Ooh, sounds dirty.”

I turn at the sound of Rosie’s voice. “Oh? I thought you were showering.”