She already has her hands outstretched for him.


Her mouth parts and her eyes go wide with shock, just like everyone else I’ve encountered today.

Sue me for protecting my kid. I don’t know any of these people, and in a crowd this size, there are germs galore. I don’t want him getting sick. And frankly, I’m paranoid enough to think that if I hand him off, I might not get him back.

“Why?” She’s bold enough to ask, unlike the others I’ve turned away.

“Because I said so.”

I don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Rosie snickers at my side and tries to hide the sound with a cough.

Julie, clearly flabbergasted, stammers, struggling to find words.

Before she can formulate a response, I simply move to another corner of the room and start the whole process over again.

“Do you want me to grab a plate of food for you?” Rosie asks, eyeing the buffet set up in the corner. Her nose wrinkles with displeasure.

“Fuck no. We’re getting Chipotle after this.”

She presses a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. “You’ve already thought about this.”

“Baby, I’ve already got the order ready to submit.”

She sticks her lip out in a pout. “You didn’t ask me if I wanted anything.”

“I already know what you want.”

Her brows furrow. “We’ve never had Chipotle together before.”

“Rosie.” I cock my head to the side, staring her down. “I know you.” I pull my phone out and bring up the app, then I pass it to her.

Slack-jawed she reads the details of bowl I have saved for her. “You really do, huh?” She slides my phone back into my pocket for me, her hand lingering on my thigh a few seconds longer than necessary. “How much longer do you think we need to stay?”

I twist my head from side to side, considering the people mingling around the room. It’s already been an hour.

“Another twenty?” I suggest.

She nods. “Sounds like a plan. I’ve gottago pee, though.”

My heart lurches at the notion. “Don’t leave me,” I practically beg.

The idea of facing these people without Rosie by my side for even a second makes me want to throw up.

She dances back and forth on her tiptoes. “But I really have to go.”

“Then I’m coming with you.”

“To watch me pee?” she asks a little too loudly, causing more than one person in our vicinity to turn in her direction.

“I meant I’d stand outside the door. Jeesh. I don’t have some weird pee kink, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Fine,” she agrees, releasing my arm. “Let’s go before my bladder explodes.”

I follow her down a long hallway and park myself against the wall while she steps inside the ladies’ room.