Sammy blinks at me, his big blue eyes round with curiosity. “Hi.” I put my hand behind his head. I’m not sure whether it still needs to be supported, but it makes me feel better to do it anyway. “How are you?”
God, Rosie, what a dumb question to ask a baby!
His little body stiffens, and he starts to fuss, so I gently rock from side to side while making a shushing sound. “It’s okay, your daddy will be back any second.”
Sure enough, Daire breezes back in a moment later with a nurse.
He’s still shirtless, and the sight of his abs is enough to send my libido into overdrive. It’s been way too long since I’ve had sex, and the craving is even worse after Daire proved how good an orgasm that isn’t of my own making can feel.
“Can you put a shirt on?” I practically beg him.
He grins, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Like what you see, baby?”
I think I just melted into a puddle.
I’veneverliked the endearment, but when Daire says it, Iloveit.
He scoops up his long-sleeve Henley and tugs it on.
The nurse clears her throat. My cheeks heat with embarrassment. I didn’t mean to stare at his abs as they disappeared, but oops, guilty.
“You guys wanted some help strapping in the little one?”
“Yes, please.” I smile gratefully.
“All right, go ahead and put him in, and I’ll show you.”
I crouch and gently set Sammy in the car seat.
The nurse lowers herself beside me, and then Daire joins us.
“First things first, put his arms through the straps. Then we’re going to buckle it into the part down here. Now, this is the part that probably has you guys stressed.” She taps the chest buckle. “Snap them together, and then we’re going to tighten it. It should rest here at shoulder height. And you should have about this much room between the straps and his body.” She demonstrates with her fingers by pinching the strap.
“What about a coat?” I ask. “It’s cold out.”
The nurse shakes her head. “We don’t recommend putting coats on when kids are in a car seat. It can cause them to slip out of the straps if there’s an accident because there’s too much space here.” She pinches it again.“It’s overwhelming, but I promise it’s easier than you think.”
“Thank you for your help,” Daire tells her, standing.
I stand too, my knee popping as I do.
The nurse leaves, giving us a small wave, and then it’s just the three of us.
This weird pseudo-family.
And it’s going to be the three of us from now on.
Until Daire and I divorce, that is.
Daire picks up the carrier and reaches for my hand. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
Yeah, that soundsgood.