There, that was it. A thought so much hotter, so much more intense than the others. My heart pounded in my chest, the beatsgetting louder and louder as I remembered all the crap I’d gone through before. This was supposed to be a fresh start, a beautiful beginning. My life was going to be just as magical as I’d always dreamed it would be. For a moment, all I could do was breathe and stare at the three of them.
“We will never rush you.” Kyle sat down on his side of the bed, watching me with those golden eyes. “You’re in control. We can go and do something else, maybe watch a movie in the theatre room or even just sleep here.” He patted the bed. “I don’t know about you, but a nap with a belly full of food seems like just the thing.”
I forced my breathing to slow, reasoning that I wasn’t in danger here. They wouldn’t, couldn’t, hurt me. As my heart rate began to slow, I nodded.
“Yeah, OK, a nap is probably not a bad idea.”
“Or I could show you how it will be.”
Asher was like a snake in the Garden of Eden, promising dark pleasures I was struggling to get my head around.
“I don’t think I’m ready for bone sex,” I replied with a weak smile.
“So we’ll keep our dicks in our pants,” he replied smoothly. “I can use my hands to approximate the feeling.”
“We can use our hands.”
Lucas stared into my eyes and that just brought back memories of the feel of him last night. Hard, clawing me closer, pushing me to greater and greater heights. He made it impossible for me to just snuggle down in the bed and close my eyes, because my mind started working. I looked at all three of them, my focus shifting to their hands. Big palms, long fingers, carefully trimmed nails. It wasn’t hard to imagine all three pairs sliding across my skin. Asher grinned then, as if he could read my mind, but I guess in some ways he could. My scent would’ve communicated my curiosity… No, let’s be honest, my desire. Insome ways, that freed me of having to pretend I wanted anything else.
“No dick bones unless I say I want them?” I asked.
“Not unless you ask very nicely,” Asher replied, shifting closer to brush his mouth against mine.
Chapter 48
I shouldn’t be doing this. My very logical, very practical brain said we should step out of the room and allow Imogen time to collect herself, and that was good advice, but then I caught a lungful of her scent. Shifting and changing, it filled the room with a confusing mix of acrid fear and sweet, sweet desire. She was conflicted, and she should’ve been allowed time to deal with that.
So why wasn’t I moving away?
Why did I stretch forward, every muscle straining to stop myself from slamming my mouth down on hers? Instead, I allowed myself the barest brush of our lips, unable to stifle the growl that rose in my throat. Imogen jerked away, staring into my eyes, but whatever she saw there seemed to reassure her. Hands slid down my cheek, scratching at my stubble, before she went back and kissed me properly.
Her lips were so fucking soft. I wanted to learn every curve, but right now my mouth moved of its own accord, meeting her kiss with my own. One bled into the other until someone clearedtheir throat. I looked up with a snarl to see Kyle staring at me, completely unfazed.
“You know she’s our mate too.”
Academically that fact was true, but right now something hungry and selfish wanted to yank Imogen against my chest and gorge myself on her sweetness.
Because I had been waiting for her for so damn long.
Kyle’s family were the ideal foster parents. They’d even tried to adopt Ursula when I told them what had happened, but the human authorities had already placed her with another family. Instead, they reached out to them and made sure we got to see each other regularly. Every sleepover she did at our place was better than the last, but despite her love and my foster family’s, part of my heart was always walled off, waiting for her.
Imogen, it turned out. I’d barely been able to take a breath when we saw her for the first time, and it felt like I’d been breathless every moment since. When we were forced to leave her behind in that shitty new apartment. When I had to let her go to her job. But not now. I tugged her closer and under me, needing to feel her against me, and she stared straight back, as if acknowledging that, kissing me slowly, thoroughly, right before she turned to Kyle.
“You wanted that kiss?”
“More than anything,” he growled, moving forwards.
Not having her mouth at my disposal was not such a terrible thing it turned out. I kissed my way down the creamy expanse of her neck, smelling the perfume she’d put on and her scent beneath that. Filling my nose, making my head spin, maybe that’s why I bared my fangs and nipped at her skin.
Her muffled moan made clear what she thought about that, and I stared at the reddened skin, right before she pulled free of Kyle only to turn to Lucas.
“You want a kiss too?” she asked in a teasing tone.
“Only all the damn time.” He moved closer, drawing pleased noises from her throat as I kissed my way down.
I liked this blouse. I could unbutton the fabric, push it away from her body as she kissed my sleuthmate, but I stopped for just a second as I saw the swells of her breasts. Contained by a thin layer of filmy lace, I could see the shadows of her nipples. They drew my mouth forward, the lace scratchy under my lips so I was forced to shove the cups up to save them from being rubbed against rough fabric. That’s when Imogen pulled away, staring down at me, our eyes locking as I took one nipple in my mouth.