Page 5 of Choose the Bears

As if I hadn’t been trying to get him to do just that. I rolled my eyes internally, the Kodiak inside me making clear we could knock snow boy on his arse when we both took fur, but I wouldn’t allow that. Our bears were equally matched, but as men? Asher needed control too much for me to try to take it away from him.

“Some burgers on the way from that nice diner,” I said, nudging him in the ribs. “Some beers when we get to the campground, then when night falls, we can take fur and go for a romp through the forest…”

Even if I wasn’t convincing Asher, I was one hundred percent on board. The bear was pressing hard on the bond between us, making me feel like I was coming apart at the seams. It’d been a tough, tough week, one where I started to wonder if we’d ever make a difference, and I told Asher all of that. The sharp look in his eyes, the way he sized me up, made Ursula snort. Taking time away for himself was anathema to my sleuth mate, but looking after someone else? That was always the way in with Asher.

“Maybe we’ll pick up a few steaks on the way,” he said in a grudging tone. “Feed the bears. Killing and eating those deer was a mistake.”

Our police contacts let us know that the park rangers had sent evidence their way, wondering what the hell killed the feral deer. The only apex predators capable of doing that in Australia were saltwater crocodiles and you didn’t get them this far south.

“Scotch fillet?” Lucas asked hopefully.

“Prime beef for bears that’d eat a dead cow if given a choice?” Asher shook his head. “Sure, why not.”

He was walking towards the door, that’s what mattered. I shot Ursula a grateful look and she threw me a thumbs up, right before she sat down in Asher’s chair, ready to work the case.

My breath came more easily the minute we got into the car. Lucas had stashed everything we needed in the back, but Asher had to check it. One small compliment had Lucas flushing, but then we were on our way. Out of the city, away from the humans and all their shit.

Free, even if it was just for a moment.

Excitement always thrummedthrough me the moment we came to the campground. Sometimes it felt like we spent our days pretending to be something we weren’t. The human was an important part of me, but there was more, much more. The Kodiak bear stamped his paws inside me, roaring in anticipation, but if he hoped to be let free instantly, he was disappointed. The next site was filled with people, something that had my heart sinking. People rarely came out this far from the city, so we usually had the place to ourselves.

Then I heard the shouts.

I’d become particularly sensitive to the sounds human men made. My job meant I needed to know who was escalating and recognised that he’d met an equal and opposite force and no more harm would come to his victims. The raucous noises now had my ears pricking up, and as Lucas and Asher jumped out of the car, they came around to my side, staring at the people partying by the river.

“Something that needs to be dealt with?” Lucas’ tone was short and clipped.

The nerdy guy who spent his time bent over his computer, finding evidence to be used in cases against abuse perpetrators, was nowhere to be seen. His eyes glowed gold behind his glasses.

“Not yet…” Asher replied firmly, but his voice trailed away as we saw a woman separate herself from the group.

Most of the men were too intent on drinking, talking shit or doing whatever bullshit they were focussed on to see her, but we did. Always women, always children, I was doomed to scan, scan and read body language constantly, looking for clues that someone wasn’t feeling comfortable.

She wasn’t.

Her steps were furtive, like she was slinking away from the group, not wanting to be seen. This was the pace of prey, scared of being detected. That enough would’ve had me stepping forward, but the bear going perfectly still, his entire focus on her had my feet moving of their own accord.

Towards her.

Not just a woman scared. I’d seen enough of them to know exactly what to do, but…


Lucas’ sigh contained all the same longing, feeling I was experiencing right now. Asher too, if that strangled sound was anything to go by. It wasn’t just some woman who was sneaking away, though that was enough to cause us concern.

It was our fated mate.

“We need…”

I had ideas, thoughts, a plan, but that all shattered when I saw him rise. An older bloke, complete with beer gut, I knew that sly look well. He was the predator, the enemy she was trying to slink away from, and that had me moving forward, at first in a jog, then a run as she disappeared into the shadows beyond the bonfire’s flames. He went after her, that’s what had the bear gifting me his strength, so it was his paws and my feet, slamming down on the ground as we raced towards the other half of our heart.

Chapter 3


“Just have one drink…” Mike had slurred once we arrived several hours later at their camp site.

I didn’t want a drink. I didn’t want to drive them all the way out here, only to be met by a round of ragged cheers from the other idiots Phil and Mike were drinking with for the weekend. I definitely didn’t want to be the only woman here. Phil had lied, what a surprise. It’d taken everything I had not to grab their shit and just toss it out on the ground when we arrived and then take off in a spray of pebbles. Instead, fucking Phil suggested I come and have one drink and Mike grabbed onto the idea like a pit bull might his target. Then I was faced with the same dilemma.