Page 89 of Choose the Bears

“So did you have a good afternoon?” Kyle asked Imogen. “I know they’re intense?—”

“Your families are awesome.” Her nose wrinkled. “Well, Lucas’ brothers could do with some work.”

“Something I will tell them with great emphasis the next time I see them,” I replied.

“But…” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “The need for secrets made sense before. You didn’t want to be like ‘Hey, we’ve just moved you out of your ex’s place. Surprise, we turn into bears on the down low.’”

“Right,” I said, tensing as I waited for her to finish.

“But there’s no need for that now. So…” She stared each one of us down. “What the hell is a baculum.

Chapter 47


“Something better explored rather than explained.”

That was all Asher would say as we bundled back into the car and drove away, which just had my mind racing. In the wolf shifter books I read, they often had knots that inflated at the base of their dick, many times only for their mates, and that got me thinking.

“Is it a dick thing?” I asked.

Kyle groaned.

“How do you know that and for that matter, how the fuck are you adjusting to all of this so easily?”

“Books.” Both he and Lucas looked down at me, and I caught Asher doing the same in the rear vision mirror. “I read a lot of books. Books… well you know what kind I read.”

“No,” Kyle said, twisting in his seat. “Tell us.”

“Paranormal romance.” That came out in a rush and why the hell was I blushing. A big chunk of the reading population liked reading PNR. “One girl, one guy who just so happens to be a wolf?—”

“Ugh, I hate wolf shifters,” he muttered.

“Or a tiger?—”

“They’re arrogant dicks most of the time,” Lucas added. “Just like you’d expect a cat to be.”

“Or dragons or whatever. They see a girl and know she’s his fated mate and often there’s a… physical sign of that.”

I waved my hand through the air, hoping everything else could just be implied.

“Like what?”

Both Lucas and Kyle had turned my way now, narrowing the space down in the backseat. I felt surrounded, cocooned, and that was exactly what I wanted. It left me feeling safe, which was perhaps why I continued.

“A wolf shifter’s knot might swell when he meets her. A tiger might find his barbs start to flex.”

“How the fuck do they make a spiky dick seem sexy?” Lucas muttered. “It’d have to be painful.”

“Not if the barbs are made of cartilage.” I tweaked his ear. “Firm enough to feel, soft enough not to hurt.”

“Right, well—” he started to say, his face going a very intriguing shade of red. “We?—”

“Will show you exactly what you’re dealing with when we get back home,” Asher interrupted smoothly. “You can wait that long, can’t you?”

No, I really couldn’t, I wanted to say, but something about his steady gaze had me nodding. It was as if I didn’t want to disappoint him. Instead, my hands rose, coming to rest on each man’s thighs, then rubbing against the soft denim there.

“Keep doing that,” Kyle ground out, “and you’re going to find out a whole lot quicker than you think.”