Page 103 of Choose the Bears

“Anger is about the only one. Exterminate your enemies, crush them so you don’t have to feel anything other than triumphant, but we know how that works out.”

I knew that Elodie had some concerns about Imogen. In her heart of hearts, I’m pretty sure she thought we were rushing into things, and some of the ladies of the bear community thought the same, but… Part of me felt like Imogen had been walking away from her ex months, if not years, before she met us.

“With them submitting to other men’s shit all day. Their bosses, their customers, their managers, but where does all that anger and frustration go? On the people he loves. He treats the bond between him and his family, not as something precious, but as a liability he can exploit to let go of some of the rage he’s experienced all day. I don’t want that for any woman,” I said, my eyes boring into hers.

“I don’t want that for any of the girls or boys living here, but most of all.” I stepped closer then and her hands gripped mine just as tightly as I held hers. “I don’t want that for you and any children we may or may not decide to have.”

I watched Imogen then, saw my words take root, and something small and hopeful began to grow. She shot me a little smile that then widened.

“I want that too.”

“So… we could get some practise in before we decide to have cubs?” I offered her my arm, but she just pushed it away.

“Maybe later,” she replied, softening her rejection. “I’ve got three mates, not one, and I’ve hung out with you and Lucas. Now’s the time for me to find Asher.”

“See if you can pry him away from his computer.”

“Because he’s hard at work running this place?” she asked as we walked towards the door.

“Because he’s hunting Phil Jackson.”

Chapter 54


The problem with data is there’s always too damn much of it.

I scoured through the list of videos Lucas’ algorithm had identified for me from feeds we’d been able to grab through less than legal means. Speed camera footage, business security camera footage, anything to help me find fucking Phil Jackson. Australia was a big, broad, brown country, and the prick could’ve been anywhere, which had the bear shoving hard against our bond.

If I’d let him out when I had him, there’s no way the beast would’ve allowed Phil to get free of his paws. The bear may well be right. He might’ve turned Phil to a bloody smear, but that wouldn’t have been the end of our problems. Guns pulled and aimed not at our enemy, but at us, right before they put a bullet in our brain. I showed him that mental image to calm him down.

Which just left me here, staring at the damn screen before moving the mouse to click on the first video as I looked for the beat-up, white Toyota ute that Phil drove in the footage. But right as the video started to play, my phone rang.


“And a good morning to you too.” Rye’s voice came down the line in a slow drawl.

“What news have you got for me?” I asked, not willing to play games.

“Good news or bad, depending on how you look at it. We know where your prey is.”

“Where?” I straightened up in my chair, every muscle locking down tight. The bear stiffened with me.Get him alone, back out in that forest, he urged.I’ll do the rest.

“Some… distant relatives have placed him in Coober Pedy.”

That was a damn long drive from here, but I was up and out of my chair, wedging the phone between my ear and shoulder as I grabbed my keys.

“Keep him there.”

Rye chuckled. “No intervention is needed. His car shit itself out there.” I sent up a brief and heartfelt prayer to the bear gods right then. “And the only garage for one hundred clicks in any direction…?’

“Is owned by this relative,” I deduced. “I can be there in eight hours.”

“Be where in eight hours?”

A new voice, feminine, and more beautiful than any other woman’s, had me turning. There she stood.

My mate.