I snort a laugh and yank my brother out of the chair to pull him into a hug. He squeezes me in return, slapping my back heartily before we let each other go.
“Alright, so the big, happy family is all here,” Montrose says. “I think we’re going to need a plan. Unless Alrick wants to give us the green light to go ahead and roast daddy dearest and call it a day.”
I know it should be an easy answer. After everything he’s done to me, to Viggo, all the abuse and pain he’s inflicted, I should be happy to watch him go up in flames and then dance on his grave. But my stomach clenches and my chest constricts. I look over at Viggo and I can see the same war going on inside of him. They’re fucking monsters. If we let them live, they won’t just walk away and let us go. They’ll keep killing any dragon they can get their hands on.
I swallow hard and look around at Lord’s family helplessly.Mynew family. I have to protect them too, don’t I?
“Is there any way to stop themwithoutkilling them?” I ask quietly, ashamed to even be considering the idea of showing mercy when they clearly have none.
Xanthis picks a steaming teacup up off the nearby coffee table and takes a sip from it, like we’re discussing where to go to dinner rather than the possible deaths of my dad and brother. She sets the cup back down, dabs a drop of tea off of her bottom lip daintily, and grins.
“I have some thoughts.”
“I’m listening.”
Xanthis swings her leg where it’s crossed over the other. “Perhaps the pretty witch can assist.”
Dahlia’s cheeks actually turn crimson under the mage’s appreciative gaze. “Of course.”
“I have numerous tricks in my bag, but they are powerful.”
“Whatever it takes,” Alrick says. “I know I should want them dead but?—”
I squeeze my mate’s hand. “No one wants their family dead, no matter how awful. They’re just misguided.”
Viggo scoffs. “Misguided enough to kill everyone in this room if they could.”
“Well, they can’t,” Xanthis says confidently.
“But the swords,” Alrick says. “One cut, even a nick, and a dragon dies.”
“Then we’ll just make sure no one gets a cut or a nick,” Nico says.
“Can I just handle this?” Montrose asks with a bored tone. “I could drag them to hell and back while you’re still discussing propriety.”
Xanthis chuckles. “I like the demon.”
Montrose winks. “I like you too.”
Tino grunts, pulling Montrose onto his lap.
“He makes a good point though,” Xanthis continues. “If he can scoop them up and bring them to me, I can take care of the rest.”
“How?” Alrick asks. “What will you do?”
She hums as she swishes the tea around her cup for a moment. “What would happen if they took a little nap and woke up to find a world where dragons don’t exist?”
“What do you mean?” Viggo asks. “You can do that?”
Xanthis smiles. “Sweet Viking, I can make them believe anything I want.” She turns her gaze back to Dahlia. “With an assist, of course.”
“Whatever you need,” Dahlia agrees readily.