Page 81 of Burned

I run my fingers lazily through his sweaty hair and smile. “All I need is you.”




Years later… The dragons haven’t bothered to count how many…

Iswear I’ve dreamed of this exact scene a thousand times, and now it’s happening. It’s mine and Alrick’s turn to celebrate the December holiday in our desired tradition. Of course we chose a Viking theme, complete with a massive feast. Dempsey had great fun detailing the entire lore to us as we decorated the evergreen tree last night.

Now I’m sitting in a cozy armchair, surrounded by my brothers and their mates the way I always hoped for. Nico gazes admiringly at Lake, perched on his lap and draped in diamonds and gold—his new signature look, as he recently shared—talking about the priceless statues he has on order from an art gallery auction in Dubai. He does love his pretty things.

Hemingway is seated on the floor by the fire, reading from a book of Norse mythology to Dempsey, who has his head in mybrother’s lap. Dempsey, clearly familiar with the tales, randomly chimes in to correct the book.

Draydon and Arson are seated at the game table, leaning over a chessboard. Neither has made a move in a long time, and I’m starting to wonder if the whole game is just a setup for them to play footsie with each other. Arson grins at his mate, that perpetual glimmer of mischief in his eyes, while Draydon gazes back like my brother hung the moon. I’ve learned to accept the strange and expensive objects we all receive as gifts from time to time. Now that Arson believes he’s successfully returned most of the art he can find providence for, he’s content to simply hoard the stuff he and his mate,ahem, procure.

I turn my attention to Tino and Montrose curled up under a blanket on the couch. The demon lifts his index finger and Tino blows on it to create a little stream of fire. This amuses Montrose, who cackles with glee. He presented each of us with a chunk of brimstone this year. Apparently it’s quite an honor to have a personal piece of the underworld. The best part is, if we ever find ourselves there again, we always have a way back to this realm because of it. Very thoughtful, actually.

We’re only missing Dahlia, who’s off on another trip to Scotland to visit a certain dragon mage.

As for me, I’ve been relegated to this chair to wait for a surprise from Alrick. It doesn’t matter what it is. He’s my joy in life. My literal purpose for being. In the years since I found him, we’ve settled into beautiful domesticity. Alrick doesn’t want to travel anywhere anymore. All he wants is home and comfort and love. Luckily, I have plenty to give.

“Gods, it smells good in here,” Hemingway says. “Is that dessert?”

“I don’t know if I can eat anything else,” Dempsey groans, patting his belly.

“I’d go check, but I’m not allowed to,” I say.

“Nope, you sit right there, Lord,” Lake says. “It’ll be worth it.”

“So, you were in on the surprise too?”

“Maybe.” He winks, batting his thick eyelashes. “I might have helped with some sourcing.”


“Close your eyes, Lord.” Alrick’s voice reaches me from around the corner.

The bond between us bounces with excitement, joy, affection, and love. So much love.

“My eyes are closed.”

“No peeking.”

“I promise.”

I sense his closeness, and just a hint of nerves pouring off him. I’m curious about what he’s been doing for the better part of two hours, but I have a feeling I’ll love whatever it is.

“Okay,” Alrick says. “Open your eyes.”

I blink them open, focusing on the tray he’s holding. My jaw drops as my heart fills with intense pride and honor.


“It’s not perfect, but I’ve been practicing for a month over at Nico and Lake’s.”

“I think he’s a natural,” Lake says, smiling.