Page 43 of Burned

“After dark, I’ll fly you around the Eiffel Tower if you like so you can see it all lit up. We can eat anywhere you want, see any sights you want. Say the word and it’s yours.”

I bite my lip and slip my hand under his shirt to skate my fingers over his scorching hot skin.

“And if I want to spend the next few days naked in bed with you?” I ask hoarsely.

I can feel the enthusiastic jerk of Lord’s cock against me just as clearly as I can feel the heat surge through our connection.

“I think that can be arranged,” he growls.

A Situation Brewing

In the cover of the trees, his true form hidden by magic, the fairy Baelix hovers in the canopy, amused by the scene unfolding below him. He caught the scent of a human mixed with dragon fire and followed it to a clearing tucked deep into the wilderness. His curiosity paid off when he discovered a most intriguing situation.

A hunter and his dragon, but who is the captor and who is the prisoner? Their heated kisses and touches suggest a forbidden tryst that the fairy can use to his advantage. Baelix flits through the trees, following the duo until the dragon shows his true form and they launch into the sky.

Abandoning his quest to follow them, he returns to the abandoned campsite, sniffing around for clues to their identity, stumbling on a shred of clothing. He scoops it off the ground with his long, spindly green fingers, inhaling the scent and sifting through both men’s memories until he lands on a match.

As an echo fairy, Baelix’s magic abilities allow him to collect the memories and recollections of others by interacting with a personal effect, and this particular scent connects him directly to the star-crossed lovers.

The Drake Dragon Clan.

The Havaror Hunter Family.

Well my, my, my.Baelix flicks his long, narrow tongue like a lizard, tasting the lingering flavor of their desire still in the air.

He can taste the conflict simmering between both men, entwined with their desperate need to be together and delicious lust. He can hear the whispers of their discussions, becoming aware of just how dangerous this union is.

He’s hit with a new recollection—the moment the dragon poured his fire into the hunter.Oh, now this is fascinating. They’ve mated.

Based on past experiences with dragons, Baelix knows going to them with this information is far too dangerous. With one swipe of a claw or stream of fire, Baelix would be nothing but ash, which means the only logical step is to seek out the hunter’s kinfolk. Perhaps they would be interested enough to provide Baelix with some treasures only available in the mortal world.

Since Baelix’s falling out with his colony, he’s been living alone, hunting mortals to steal from, but coming up empty more often than not. The hunters would likely have lots of shiny trinkets and valuable baubles pilfered from the hoards of the dragons they’d slain to trade for this knowledge, giving Baelix a much-needed offering to bring back to his colony so he can return to their good graces.

If they won’t take him back, at least he can start a hoard again and possibly build his own colony. Either way, he wins.

Baelix follows the scent and memories of the hunter through the wilderness until he arrives at the edge of town, then shifts behind his mortal glamour, appearing as human as the people milling about. Behind his mask, only another supernatural would know that beneath his human-looking skin, normally shaped green eyes, and flash of red hair, is a creature beyond most mortals’ nightmares. In this form, Baelix can interact easilyand avoid being captured by the few brave humans willing to do business with the fae.

Baelix doesn’t have time for such nonsense. He has work to do.

A few hoursand several thousand miles later, Baelix lands in the United States, exhausted from the effort it took to travel and shift back and forth whenever he encountered populated areas. Crossing the ocean with tiny wings is never fun.

He wants to rest, but the desire to complete his mission spurs him forward to the Havaror compound, a heavily secured fortress in the middle of a wooded area. The scent Baelix caught back in Scotland is all over this place, so the fairy knows he’s found the right location.

Baelix shifts behind his glamour once more before stepping out from the thick trees. To any onlooker, he appears to be wearing a simple outfit of black pants and a thick green sweater, with boots on his feet to match the clothing the humans wear this time of year. Though Baelix cannot feel the temperature, he knows how to blend in when necessary.

He’s met with a massive gate of wood and iron, kept locked by a large silver padlock. Baelix never met a lock that could keep him out, so, avoiding the iron, he uses his talon-tipped fingers to pick the lock. It pops open easily and he grasps the gate by the wood only and pushes it open without resistance.

Within seconds, two large men run in his direction, guns in hand and swords strapped to their backs. Baelix puts his hands out, raising an invisible shield and knocking both men to the ground.

Digby, a tall man with ruddy skin, broad shoulders, and a rugged but handsome face glares at Baelix. He’s dressed as if he’s on the front lines of a conflict, the only exception his long, dark hair. “State your business with us.”

“I have information for you,” Baelix offers. “Are you missing a family member?”

The other man, Viggo, rises to his feet quickly, shoving long blond locks out of his face. He’s quite the opposite of Digby, with a smooth complexion, bright eyes, softer features, and a kind nature. He swallows and looks at Baelix with sadness in his eyes.

“Missing? No.”

“He’s alive?” Digby pushes his brother aside to ask with a gruffness in his voice that makes Baelix grin wickedly.