I chuckle when I locate mugs and a small pot. The man is prepared, you gotta give him that. I busy myself heating the water and making tea for him and coffee for me. When he opens his eyes, it’s the dragon gazing at me, and my heart jumps in my chest. Why do I like that so much?
Lord blinks and the dragon is gone, replaced by his still-pretty, but very human eyes. “Is it morning?”
I nod. “Early still, but yeah, it’s morning. I made you some tea.”
A deep crease appears in his brow as he sits up. “Thank you.”
“No problem. Thanks for bringing coffee.”
He chuckles. “Habit. Two of my brothers would rather gnaw off a paw than drink tea.”
“Yeah? Which ones?”
“Arson and Valentino. The others tolerate my tea habit, but if given the choice would probably choose coffee.”
“How many brothers do you have?”
“Four in the same clutch. Nico, Hemingway, Arson, Valentino, and me.”
“Cool names.”
“Chosen. Our dragon names are not for a modern world.”
He has a dragon name? I want to ask what it is, but something in me understands it may be sacred to him.
“I did okay in the name game. My brothers are Digby and Viggo. Dad’s name is Njord.”
“True to your heritage.”
He takes his mug from me and sips, closing his eyes as he breathes a bit of fire across the top of the liquid. It bubbles and scorches the side of the ceramic container.
“Not hot enough?”
“Nothing ever is.” Lord gifts me a smile, and it truly feels like a present. It’s soft and kind, and more than a little sexy, reminding me of the kiss that seems made up now. “Thank you for encouraging me to sleep. I feel better now.”
“Good.” I sip my coffee as awkward silence settles between us.
Maybe it’s just awkward for me because I want to close the space between us and taste the tea on his tongue. I want to rub against him again, and gods, how I want to feel his girth in my mouth.
He chokes on a breath, raising his wide eyes to me and answering my unspoken question from earlier. He can feel my emotions too.
A sudden wave of heat spreads through me, pushing away the coolness of the morning and swelling my cock. I know it came from him.
“Alrick,” he pants, rubbing his forehead.
“We shouldn’t…” He shakes his head.
“I know. Gods, how I know.”
He blows out a breath and seems to steady himself. “We should focus on the journey ahead. We still have a long way to go.”
I nod, clearing my throat and desperately searching for some chill. “Yeah. Totally.”
By the time we’ve finished our drinks, packed up, and headed out into the forest, I’m feeling steadier on my feet, but with every brush of his fingers against mine, or bump of his arm, a tendril of heat ripples through me, heading straight to my dick.