I jerk my hand away from his instinctively and immediately feel bad for the apologetic smile he gives me.
“We’re here already?” I ask, my voice rough from sleep.
He nods. “I guess you were more tired than you realized.”
I chuckle hoarsely. “I guess so. Turns out being torn nearly in half and living to tell about it really takes it out of a guy.”
Lord laughs too, and somehow the sound feels like it vibrates inside my chest even though we’re not touching.
“So this… uh, witch?” I rub my jaw, realizing I didn’t ask a lot of questions about who we’re actually going to see.
“Xanthis,” he says. “She’s a mage…” He clears his throat. “Among other things.”
Other things. Does that mean she’s a dragon too? Am I walking right into an ambush? Even if I am, what other choice do I have? Trusting Lord is my only option right now. Fuck me, I hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.
The image of Lord sinking his teeth playfully into my bare ass cheek jolts through me hotly, and I give my head a hard shake to get rid of it.
“Xanthis,” I repeat, forcing myself to focus on what’s important right now. “Does she live in the city?”
“Not exactly.” Lord looks a little guilty, fidgeting in his seat and not looking at me. “She lives in a cave deep in the mountains in the north of Scotland, about two hundred miles from where we’ll be landing. At least, I think she does.”
“Well, according to the text I was reading, that’s where she’s been residing for… some time now. But she’s not the most social creature, so it’s hard to say for sure.”
My mouth feels dry. It’s obvious he’s playing a lot of cards close to his chest, but that doesn’t make my options any less limited.
I nod and solidify my resolve.
“I’m feeling stronger by the minute. A good meal in me and I’ll be up for the journey.”
“Excellent,” he says softly. A sad smile flickers over his face.
The plane lands in a remote area outside of Aberdeen. It’s eerily silent as we deboard, and I’m acutely aware of the tension Alrick carries in his shoulders. A dusky glow lights the sky as nightfall creeps in.
“There’s a village a short walk from here.”
Alrick nods, tossing his bag over his shoulder. “You come here often?”
“Not often, but I’ve been here a few times over the years. I always feel a sense of calm when I’m in Scotland, as if the ghosts of the past welcome me.”
Alrick pauses, glancing at me with curious eyes. “Explain how that feels calming to you.”
I chuckle as I walk past him and he quickly follows.
“Some places carry the souls of the departed with them, weaving their energy into those who remain. The architecture, wilderness, even the living, embody all who came before. There’s a palpable sense of pride permeating the air that wraps around me like a blanket.”
He’s quiet for a few beats before saying, “I’ve never felt that way about a place.”
“It’s rare for me too. Normally the only place that truly feels like home is wherever my brothers are, but if I were to move from where I live now, Scotland would be at the top of the list.”
“You’re close to your brothers?”