“Nothing. What’s wrong?”
He drags a hand through his hair, it seems to be a habit when he’s searching for words. “Not wrong, just…” He shakes his head. “It’s not normal. I don’t feel right.”
Thinking quickly, I provide an explanation that I hope will calm his concerns. “It’s the medicine. Your wound was in your chest, and it’s actively mending you back together.”
“It’s magic?” He gives me a skeptical look, daring me to confess that it’s more than just the potion I’ve fed him makinghim feel like his heart wants to leap out of his chest and join with mine.
I hate lying, and I’m not sure I even can to this stunning man, so I offer something close to the truth. “I’m unaware of its origin or specific contents but I know well the source who provided it to me, and I trust her implicitly. I would trust her with my own life.”
Alrick nods, slumping against the doorframe. His cheeks are ruddy from exertion, but his inquisitive eyes settle on me, and as his breathing calms, he seems to accept my response.
“When is it going to stop?”
Ah, yes. An opening. I can almost hear Arson spurring me on to take it. “It may be stronger than I anticipated.”
Alrick tilts his head slightly.
“I have an idea, if you’re open to it.”
“I’m listening.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest, momentarily distracting me from my mission. “Lord?”
I clear my throat, blinking to ground myself. “Right. Um, there’s a remedy, but it requires a bit of travel.”
I nod, summoning all the bravado of my reckless brother. I have to convince him. “A short trip to visit a medicine woman. She has the remedy to speed your healing and eliminate the aftereffects in her arsenal.”
“Won’t it just go away on its own?”
“I’m afraid it won’t.” My dragon pushes forward, desperate to shift my eyes for an up-close look at our mate, but I clench my jaw to hold him back. “In my haste to save your life, I may have chosen a treatment that was stronger than required.”
He nods, searching my gaze. “Why do you want to help me?” he asks for the umpteenth time since he awakened. “You don’t even know me.”
His words are sharp, like darts in my chest, but I keep my expression neutral as best I can. “I’m responsible for it. I need to see it through. That’s all.” Here’s where observing Arson all these years comes in handy. “It’s up to you, of course. You can feel the way you do now for the rest of your life or come with me.”
The glimmer of defiance in his eyes stirs my desire once more. Could there be a more beautiful man in existence? I don’t see how.
I watch the myriad of emotions flash across his face, from resistance to concern to acceptance. He blows out a breath.
“I don’t see what other choice I have.” His tone is tense, guarded, but there’s an underlying warmth in it I didn’t expect.
Could it be that he wants to spend more time with me too? I shouldn’t want that, but tell that to my dragon. The beast inside of me desperately wants to rub my face against his chest, inhale his manly scent, taste his skin, andgods, feed him my fire again.
Nothing can come of this. Not even a night of carnal pleasure. He is not a friend. As long as I keep reminding myself of that terrible fact, I should be fine.
“We’ll go right away. No time like the present.”
Some logical partof my brain knows this is a bad idea, but it’s no match for the louder part that wants to resolve this weird situation and get back to my family. By traveling with Lord, I’m hoping we’ll get this antidote for the medicine he gave me, and I can figure out where I am and how to get home. It’s clearly magic he fed me, but I can’t be mad about that. He saved me from certain death. It could’ve been worse. He could’ve turnedme into a dragon. Or… wait. They can’t do that, I don’t think. But he could’ve torched me like a kebab. They can definitely do that.
Getting out of his house is the best plan I have since I have zero clue where I even am. He could’ve taken me across the world for all I know.
“Got anything more substantial I can wear?”
Lord quirks an eyebrow as his eyes shift upward. “Actually, I might.” He returns his penetrating gaze to me, roaming up and down my body in obvious appreciation. “I’ll be right back.”
I nod, pressing myself to the door to let him pass. As he does, his body brushes against mine, sending ripples through me that feel a lot like desire. Lord is incredibly attractive, sexy, and alluring. The dragon is hot. So fucking sue me.