Page 37 of Deadly Peril

The guy confirmed his bad intentions by matching Jana’s pace. It was unnatural for a human to walk in step with a stranger. But when Jana hesitated or slowed, focused on her texting, the suspect did the same.

There was only one right answer: get away from the guy and to safety as quickly as possible. Thaddeus had a motto that he chose not to violate: movement saves lives. Those who move are the ones who survive.

He took Jana’s arm. “We need to move…now.” But there was no reaction from her. Instead, her fingers moved faster to get the message typed.

Words were useless, and hanging around until the guy in pursuit did whatever he had in mind was ridiculous. Thaddeus was frustrated. Jana wasn’t paying attention. Short of grabbing her phone, which would only make her mad and delay any escape, he had only one option.

In a split second, Thaddeus shifted gears. He scooped Jana up, tossed her over his shoulder, then turned down a side street at a fast pace and ducked behind a building. He ignored her screech and held her tight when she struggled against his hold.

The guy in pursuit had counted on having the element of surprise on his side. But the stunt of moving her out of the way alerted the enemy that he’d been spotted. Chances were that he would have walked away from the scene then. And Jana was in a safe location, so any attacker would have to get past Thaddeus.

Jana slipped off his shoulder with her feet back on the ground. “What was that about?” She looked furious.

Thaddeus glared at her.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jana was breathing fire. “I said, just a sec. I was in the middle of a conversation.”

“You wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I would have, if you’d been patient.”

“You were in danger; there wasn’t time for that.”

Jana huffed. “I didn’t see any danger.”

“Of course you didn’t,” Thaddeus said. “Your face was in the phone. We need to go.”

Jana held up her hand. “I’m walking…thank you.”

Thaddeus stepped out first. As he expected, the guy was nowhere in sight. “We walk straight to the Jeep, and no delaying. Match my pace.” He grabbed Jana’s hand, not trusting her to follow orders.

Thaddeus walked her straight to the Jeep, watching the environment every second. He secured her in the passenger seat and jogged around to the other side. Once inside, he locked the doors and started the engine.

He took a different route to depart, to throw any pursuer off the Jeep’s trail. A glance in the rearview assured him that no vehicle had followed, but he chose a circuitous route, just in case. The impound yard was across town, but he had no intention of going directly there.

It was best to get Jana to a secure location, then decide what to do. But he had another challenge on his hands. Jana wished to debate his actions.

“Who gave you the right to haul me around like…a bloody caveman or something?”

That wasn’t how Thaddeus saw it, and he wasn’t in the mood to argue the point.

“Thaddeus…talk to me. You can’t ignore me,” Jana said. “I respond to communication, not being manhandled or hauled around at your whim.”

“You’re angry,” Thaddeus said, keeping his eyes on the road. “I get that.”

“Of course I’m angry. What did you think I’d be?”

That was enough. Thaddeus checked the mirrors to be sure no other traffic was close. Then he whipped the Jeep onto the shoulder and slammed on the brakes. Jana lurched forward, held in by the seatbelt.

“I’m your bodyguard. It’s my job to keep you safe. And that is exactly what I will do.”

Jana looked stunned.

“It was a hairbrained move to text while walking down a public street. Anything could happen, and I do mean anything—without you being aware of it before it was too late.” Thaddeus slammed his palm on the steering wheel. “You could have been injured. You might have been killed. Is that what you want…for me to let you do anything you please? To just stand around and wait for disaster…when I damn well see it coming?”

Jana swallowed.

“So, that’s the last time. If you want me to protect you, then you’ll do as I ask. Otherwise, I’m off the job and you can find yourself some pansy-ass bodyguard.” Thaddeus was upset, a disturbing development, since he prided himself on self-control.