Page 51 of Brick

“I’ll grab you a Whopper.” Justin couldn’t get out of his chair fast enough.

She sighed as she sat down. “Please don’t blame him. I really did come asking about you.”

Devon rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, you shouldn’t. I don’t need you to come in and save me.”

“What do you need? Something’s going on. You’re not coming to school. I bet you didn’t take your ACTs. You refuse to talk about college.” It was such a waste.

She slapped the table. “You’re too smart for this. You can do anything with your life, but only if you take the opportunities right in front of you.”

The fire in his eyes dimmed a little. “I have responsibilities to my family, Miss T. I have to work. I’m not choosing to ignore my opportunities. What I’m telling you is I have no choice.”

“What do you mean?”

He shrugged. “There’s a guy in the neighborhood. He kinda runs things. When he says you have to work for him, you have to work for him.”

She held back a shudder. Those words sounded ominous. “What about your parents? Do they know you aren’t coming to school?”

“No parents,” he sighed. “Not for a long time now. It’s only me and my brother.”

“Can’t you do both? If you have to work, can’t you still come to school? At least graduate, Devon. You’ll have your diploma, and no one can ever take it away from you.” She lowered her voice. “If you want out of the situation you’re in, I can help you. I can call—”

“No. I won’t leave my brother. He’s all I have.”

She understood all too well. She would never leave Will or Izzy as long as she had a choice. “Will you at least think about coming back?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Justin returned to the table and held out a paper bag. “You, uh, might want to take your burger to go, ma’am.”

Acutely aware of everyone looking at her, she accepted his offering and drew to her feet. “Thanks, Justin.”

Suddenly, she felt very exposed. Was the man in the green car staring at her?

She returned quickly to her Corolla and sped away without even taking the time to put on her seat belt. Her unease followed her all the way home.

Still, if there was even a chance Devon would take her advice, the trip had been worth it.