Max's face had deeper lines than usual, Eustacia thought. "When your aunt first came here from Venice, Lilith couldn't find her. She tore apart Venice, and then Rome and Florence… She sent her people to Paris and Madrid and Cairo, and here to London. It was nearly two decades before she found your aunt. Eustacia's people kept her well hidden, and well protected."

"You were the best of the lot, Max, young as you were." Young and determined, he'd been. Angry because he'd lost his beloved father and sister to a vampire; and bloodthirsty in his own way. He chose the path of Venator.

"What is Lilith doing now? Do you know her plan?" Victoria asked. Her hazel eyes were not worried or fearful, as Eustacia had feared. No, they were sharp and calculating. And intense. By God, the Legacy had chosen well.

For the first time in years, Eustacia felt a glimmer of hope. With Victoria as her protege, and, eventually, successor as the head of the Venators, perhaps Eustacia would soon be able to rest easy.

"In order to succeed, Lilith must destroy your aunt," Max said. "At the same time, she has sent hordes of vampires and demons throughout the world to turn as many to their way as possible. In order to feed on their blood, they bite the neck of their victim—not the chest, as is commonly believed—"

"But they leave a marking, don't they?" Victoria interrupted, comprehension dawning in her face. "Three Xs on the bosom of the victim, as found on the corpse of those men near the wharf. That was a vampire, wasn't it?"

"You are very well-informed for a young girl," Max commented.

Eustacia hastened to step in. "Indeed, you are correct, Victoria; although I can't imagine how you would know that. Three Xs representing the thirty pieces of silver Judas was paid for betraying Jesus."

"Which explains their fear of anything made from silver. That fool Quentworth was most definitely a victim of one of Lilith's vampires, and we have worked very diligently to keep any hint of vampirism from being attached to his death. It was fortuitous for him that he wasn't turned. As you likely are aware," Max said, looking down his long, straight nose at Victoria, "if a vampire feeds on a mortal, it is often deadly… but if he—or she—chooses, he may partake of the human's blood, and offer his own blood back to the human in a kind of mating ritual. If that occurs, the human is sired, or turned into a vampire. So a vampire bite may kill a mortal, or may turn one to an undead. And there are occasions when neither happens, when the bite is not deep enough to kill. Our job—"

Eustacia interrupted. "Our job is to destroy as many of them as possible while attempting to learn what Lilith is planning to do to seize power. We know that she has moved the bulk of her court to London; where she is hiding I do not know, and Max has not yet been able to ascertain. She is here not only because I am here, but because she seeks something called the Book of Anwarth, which we know nothing about as yet."

"We Venators have always stopped her in the past. Although in the past, we have not been forced to rely upon young girls newly out of strings," Max said with uncharacteristic nastiness. "I do hope you will find time betwixt filling your dance card and selecting your ball gowns to help us."

Her niece had risen from her seat and placed herself in front of Max, who'd refused to move from his lounging position on the settee. "Filling my dance cards? Lord Max, or whatever it is that I must call you, I'll have you know that I left my debut—I missed a waltz with the Marquess of Rockley!—in order to protect you from a vampire attack. The status of my dance card remained forgotten as I followed you and your companion out-of-doors—"

"Protect me? Yes, indeed, you were protecting me from my own sharp fangs, weren't you?"

"How was I to know you were a Venator? You did not see fit to divulge that information to me until you could crow with joy at my mistake. But the fact remains that I did what had to be done. And I will do what has to be done in the future."

"Victoria. Max. Please. We cannot allow ourselves to be divided at this time. Victoria, you must understand. Before you, there have been only three other female Venators in the last century of battle against Lilith. Two of them died hideous deaths shortly after they were inducted into the Legacy and received their vis bullae."

"And the third is sitting here with us as we speak." Max inclined his head toward Eustacia. "There are none who could or will hold a candle to you, signora—or, if I may say—a stake. You are truly the Chosen one, the Gardella who will unite us and lead us to Lilith's downfall."

Victoria turned to Eustacia in astonishment. "You are a vampire hunter? A Venator?"

Max snorted. "No, of course not. Lilith the Dark fears your aunt because she sits at home and has her hair dressed daily. Of course she is a Venator."

Eustacia had to give Victoria credit: She did not give a flicker of indication that she had heard Max's derisive comments. "I didn't realize, Aunt. I believed you were a teacher of sorts, a guide. Like Kritanu. I did not know you hunted vampires."

"Indeed. And you, my dear, are the next of my direct bloodline, that of the first Gardella Venator, who has been Chosen—and who has accepted the burden."

"And that," Max said as he rose to his feet, "is the precise reason Lilith the Dark has been so determined to find this Book of Anwarth quickly, before you finish your training." His tone suggested that he didn't understand why Lilith would find Victoria any great threat. "I must excuse myself now, signora. The moonlit streets await."

"I'll get my stake," said Victoria.

Max drew himself to his imposing height and looked down his long, narrow nose. He truly was magnificent, Eustacia thought fondly. "Your offer of assistance is appreciated, Miss Grantworth, but I believe I will be able to handle three vampires without putting you at the risk of tearing your skirt or losing your bonnet. And, alas, it would be no virtue if you mistakenly staked a night watchman or a—what is the name—a Runner." He drew on his cloak and from its depths pulled out a wicked-looking black stake. "When you've had a little more practice, and received your vis amulet, I am sure you will find yourself on your own patrols."

With that, he gave a little bow and swept from the room.

Eustacia was almost dreading turning back to her niece—knowing exactly what she would see on her face and in her posture. What had gotten into Max? He wasn't one to mince words, true, and from the expression on his face, he was worried about more than three unexceptional vampires… yet he had been more acerbic than usual with Victoria.