Page 9 of Love You Too

“You’re kidding, right?” He looks up at me with glazed eyes I’ve seen in many of the brides who come to Buttercup Hill for their weddings. I ask them to thumb through lookbooks for decor ideas, and some flip delightedly through while others nearly hyperventilate.

“Should I get an air sickness bag?”

“No,” he protests, nodding. “Maybe.”

Truman has decamped to a corner of the store, where a bowl of water and a chew toy have kept him entertained for the past half hour.

“When did you become such a baby?”

“When I found out there reallyarefifty shades of gray.”

“Exactly. So just pick one.”

“Easy for you, you live for this shit.”

“I do. And I’ll tell you a secret—it doesn’t matter that much. It’s paint. If you hate it, paint over it.”

Ren squeezes his eyes shut and extends his arm with a pointed finger. Then he lowers it deliberately and picks up the first paint sample he touches. Handing it to me, he opens his eyes.

“I should film this, send it to your opponents.” I walk over and crouch down to see what he’s chosen. “All worked up over Casual Bride.”

“Don’t you dare.” He leans onto his hand to see if I’m telling the truth about the paint color. “Is that really what it’s fucking called? I’m not putting that on my walls.”

I giggle and hold the sample away as Ren pretends to swat me. He loses his balance and falls toward me, which knocks me onto ver. His hard chest hits mine as I tumble to my back. Ren’s hand shoots out to cradle my head so it doesn’t hit the floor. His face is inches from mine as we stop moving. I feel a swarm of butterflies in my belly, and a jolt of fire hits my core.

For a second, Ren doesn’t move. Our eyes stay locked, and I try to search his for signs of what he’s thinking, but his playful grin turns stoic. Then Truman bounds over, deciding that we’re having too much fun without him. “Tru…Tru! Sit.” Ren pushes Truman off and hoists himself away.

I immediately feel the void where his body was touching mine, and it aches. I don’t want it to, but it does.

“I, um, think you’re right about just trying out a color. If Idon’t like it, I’ll try something else.” Ren picks up a paint swatch and goes to pay for his paint. I’m not even sure it’s the one he chose before.

“Rules to live by.” I try to sound casual, but my voice comes out raspy.

I dust myself off and get ready to head out when Ren puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me from leaving the store. “So…I was serious about having you see my renovation. It won’t take too long. It’s just the main house, five bedrooms. If you’re interested.”

I can’t deny that I’m curious about the place Ren bought. More than curious. “I don’t know, Ren. You almost fainted over paint. Five bedrooms is a lot.”

“I think I can handle it. And if it all goes well, there’s a sixth bedroom in the casita where I’m staying.” His eyebrows bounce. He’s all smirk—cute and dangerous.

“I don’t want to see your bedroom, Ren. Let’s get that clear.” I keep my voice firm, though I’m not at all clear myself.

He laughs. “I was kidding. Just come over. Look at the house, give me your honest opinion about how much work it needs.”

“I can’t help but think you’re remembering thatotherthing we talked about.”

He smirks. “Never gonna unhear it, but that’s not why I’m inviting you over.”


“But full disclosure, I’m not ruling it out.”

I shake my head. “Of course you’re not. But you should.” I take my bag of paint samples and breeze out the door.



Ten YearsEarlier