Page 116 of Just Act Natural

Rhett loops his arms around each of our shoulders, managing to hold her much more gently than the crushing grip he’s got on me. “Room for more what?”

“More happy couples in this family.” Grandma pokes him in the stomach. “Wouldn’t you say, scamp?”

He wrinkles his nose. “Pretty sure we’ve maxed that out.”

Shetsksat him, but he just laughs. He’ll figure himself out in his own time.

Lila joins our little group, and Rhett releases me so I can focus on her.

As though that’s ever been a problem.

She slips an arm around my waist. “Have I told you lately that I’m proud of you?”

“It’s been a few minutes.”

“Then I’m overdue.” She turns to Grandma and Rhett. “Is this guy the best or what?”

“I’m standing right here,” Rhett says with a pout. “If you keep this up, I might start to think you like him more than me.”

Grandma pokes him again. “Find your own woman.”


“Come on.” She steers him toward the laughing crowd behind them. “Leave them be. Lila needs to change anyway.”

Grandma winks as they walk away. And she wonders where Rhett gets his mischievousness.

Lila’s hands tighten on my waist. “Did you tell her?”

“Nope. She just has mysterious grandma ways.”

“I love her. And she’s right. I should go.”

I lean down to press a soft kiss to her mouth. “Hurry back.”

She grins up at me. “You’re never getting rid of me.”


Her grin falls away, totally solemn. “I do.”


“You love me.”

I mirror her seriousness. “I do.”

With a giggle, Lila slips through the crowd. My heart rate kicks up, ready for what comes next. I scan the mingling people and spot Leo Dalesandro off to one side. I nod, and he finds Ian Vaughn to get to work setting up chairs. Crazy to think two famous athletes have become some of my closest friends in the last few months.

Then again, most of my life these last few months has been completely unexpected. In all the best ways.

Mom and Dad head over to me, smiling brighter than ever.

“You pulled it off,” Dad says.

“We knew you would,” Mom adds. “It’s a beautiful store. You chose a perfect location in town.”

“And you chose a perfect fiancée. We’re glad to see you settling in so well here.”