I give myself a good shake, banishing the memory that has been sneaking up on me at the oddest times. It’s time for a pick-me-up in the way of a peanut butter sandwich and an apple before getting back to work.
Two hours later, I receive a text image of a 1990s-style electric range sitting on a cement driveway.
Do you want this?
I zoom in on the photo. It’s a small unit like the unfunctional one in my house.
Where did you find that? And how much?
A different site. They were going to leave it on the curb for someone to grab. It functions. What do you say? Free oven for your Christmas goose, m’lady?
A chuckle escapes my lips before I straighten them. I need to stop being so giggly over texting with Nick.
That would be great. Thank you.
Friendly. Courteous.Notflirty.
Text me when you’re home, and Ezra and I can bring it in.
Something sharp twists in my throat. Though I’d tentatively agreed to let Nick help repair things at the cottage, we need to hash out some important details first. I don’t care how much he loves home renovation. If Nick wants to fix things, he’ll be paid fairly. Also, he probably shouldn’t be “working” for me after a full day of manual labor.
You don’t have to do that after work. Maybe I can get it this weekend?
When he doesn’t reply right away, I see my final three patients.
I’m afraid this is a limited-time deal. Install tonight in exchange for buying me bourbon bread pudding at Bayside Table. Take it or leave it.
My stomach practically skips with glee at the mention of bread pudding from the only—but incredibly delicious—restaurant in Wilks Beach. Not having to eat my dinner out of a plastic tray would be so luxurious. And with a functioning oven, I’d finally be able to make Gramma’s snickerdoodles. This morning, I found the cinnamon jar atop the broken range instead of in the spice drawer. I stared at it for five seconds, brow furrowed, trying to remember moving it.
As a kid visiting Gramma, strange things like that would occasionally happen. There’d be an extra blanket covering you when you woke up, or you’d find your shoes over a heat vent to be warm for the following day. Simon used to roll his eyes, claiming Gramma was doing all those things, even though she swore she hadn’t. She’d smile and say it was the island’s magic showing up to help. I could have very well been sleepwalking while dreaming about snickerdoodles and set it out myself. That’s how much I want their delicious scent filling Gramma’s small kitchen.
I’m leaving the office soon. Does anyone from the jobsite need anything from the mainland?
It’s another thing I remember from growing up. My parents would often bring things with them to save Gramma a two-hour round-trip drive.
Thanks. We’re good. See you soon.
Though I’d planned to call Cooper on my way home, I end up driving in silence, trying to understand why it feels like effervescent energy bursts forward each time my former rival texts me.