“No problem.” Ashley spoke to her friend but didn’t take her eyes off him.
Emilie walked off the unit, sneaking a quick smiling glance over her shoulder before exiting the heavy double doors. The light seemed to change as soon as they closed. Luminosity that was previously hovering just out of consciousness swiftly extinguished. The sudden influx of the rushing noises of the hospital sounded too loud in his ears: electronic pinging, people talking, beds creaking, papers rustling, the click of typing fingers, ringing phones, and Krystal’s coughing.
“You love her.”
The sentence came as a statement, not a question or accusation.
A simple admission of the facts.
His head turned to find Ashley’s focused but gentle eyes on him. Unconsciously, he ran his hand down the front of his scrub top, trying to ignore the burning within his lungs. His thoughts spun rapidly around his mind, trying to reason a professional response to his coworker’s statement, but the word “yes” left his lips with a large exhale.
All the tension swiftly left his body with this ordinary three letter word.
Before he let himself evaluate that, he added, “Don’t tell Emilie though. We’re taking things slow, and I don’t want to scare her away.”
He glanced back towards the unit doors as if she would materialize at any moment, but they stayed closed.
“Be careful with her.”
Nearly responding “I will” automatically before registering the softness in her voice, Colin turned to study her face. Something behind Ashley’s green eyes betrayed a knowledge he’d desired from his first encounter with Emilie.
There was some reason that Emilie’s smile didn’t always reach her eyes, a reason that darkness passed over her face after moments of joy.
“What happened?”
Ashley slowly shook her head. “When she’s ready, she’ll tell you.”
“I really care for her.” He felt his heart beat with each word.
Laying her hand on his arm, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “I know.”
Ashley continued moving towards the patient food area just as the unit doors opened, and John Reddington walked through in jeans under a large winter coat. Colin quickly shook the interaction with Ashley from his mind and focused back on his job.
“John, I was just about to call you. Let me catch you up on what’s happening with Krystal.”
?Chapter 25?
“5SW, this is Emilie,” she answered her nurse phone once she retrieved the ringing thing from her pocket. She stole a small sip of the coffee she’d just purchased and set it next to her computer.
“Meet me in the locker room.” His voice was low.
A quick inhale parted her lips. “Okay.”
The savory flavor of coffee burned in her mouth as her pulse quickened in her throat. He’d never approached her while they were in the hospital other than to say hello or give an order. Colin was always the model of professionalism. Something in his shade of his words sent a pulsing sensation down her spine, anticipating she wasn't walking into a collegial interaction.
When she opened the door to the locker room, Colin was facing away from her with his hands on his hips. His white coat flared widely at the stance and nicely displayed the strong expanse of his shoulders. As soon as the door clicked closed, he spun and demolished the distance between them with two large steps, his eyes focused on her lips.
Standing in front of her, he paused to gently place one hand beneath her braid before tilting her face to his. Her breathing ceased as the warmth of his hand eased her body into the possession of his mouth. Emilie found herself arching her back and giving in fully to the deep, hungry kiss.
Her tongue raced circles around his as his other arm wrapped around her body. Pushing up against his firm chest, she wove her hands through his wavy hair. His soft moan resonated in her body, and she felt herself climb closer and press firmer to him in search of hearing it again.
The strength of his body was something she sought out in these moments. Something she didn’t know she needed until he was before her, holding her so gently but also so resolutely. It thrilled her in places that hadn’t stirred in what felt like a lifetime. It warmed and woke her and made her want more.
More touch.
More heat.
More connection.