Chapter Forty-One
Julian was supposed to be back today. He texted me last night to make sure Cape wasreigning in his bad brother sideand that I wasn’t giving him anypre-birthday goodies. Just to play with him I texted back a shrugging emoji, which earned me a person emoji followed by a gun emoji. I howled with laughter but now my stomach is knotted.
He should have been back this morning if he was on his way to the airport when we last texted. I didn’t want to say anything at breakfast because no one seemed concerned and I know that I’ve already made it seem like I don’t fit in. Showing worry will just make me seem over dramatic and I hoped that he was just running late.
But now it’s eight p.m., and while it may look like I’m watching the movie Marney put on, I’m actually covertly watching Margo check her phone every five seconds, and noting how her brows keep getting increasingly more scrunched together.
Cape is too busy eyeballing Dillon, and I’m not sure if he even talks to Julian about what he’s doing down there. Does Cape even know that Julian was supposed to be back today?
The knot grows into a rock when the movie finishes and Margo asks Cape to meet her out back. Is that normal? I know there must be things I’m not privy to, and under any other circumstance I wouldn’t be bothered. But I have this growing attachment to Julianthat gives me a certain sense of entitlement where I feel I should know if anything is wrong.
I don’t say anything though and go upstairs to pace nervously until Cape comes up.
But he doesn’t come.
I wear myself down until my legs ache and I sit on the edge of the bed for relief. I stare at my text messages to Julian, willing a messages from him to pop up.
Did your flight get delayed?
You’re okay right?
Sorry if I’m being ridiculous…
You don’t have to but if you could text me, I would feel better.
I’m going to be so embarrassed if he’s just busy and I’ve been blowing up his phone but I have a bad feeling. And where is Cape?
Getting antsy, I crack open my door, wondering if I can fake like I’m just getting a snack to see what’s going on but when I do, I jump.
Dillon is standing outside my door. Just, standing there…
“Uh…” I peer down the hallway and I don’t see anyone else.
Dillon scoffs and then pushes the door open, sliding past me. “What’s going on?” he hisses.
Thrown, I try to back out through the door but he puts a hand above my head and closes it. He leaves his palm there and bears over me. “I know you know.”
“What?” I shrink against the door. I’m just as clueless as him. And why is he concerned about Julian? I never even see them talk.
“Don’t play stupid. I may not like to get involved, but I have eyes and ears.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t heard anything. All I know is that he was supposed to be home this morning.” I spit out as quickly as I can, hoping he’ll release me from my pinned position.
He narrows his eyes and shakes his head. “Who?”
He shakes his head again and puts his arm down, backing up.
I take a relieved breath.
“I’m not talking about him. I could care less,” he says.
“Then what are you talking about?” Jesus, where’s Cape?
“The shady shit you are all trying to cover up. I want to know what the fuck happened.”
“Nothing—” I start but then I realize what he’s referring to. My dad, my dead dad. The dead dad that Cape killed.