His head tilts at me, a frown on his lips. “It’s okay.” He nods. “Goahead.”
“No, I don’t think so.” Cape throws his jacket on a barstool and loops around the island. He’s in my bubble faster than I can think to run. “Julian wants you to be a part of the family, then this is a great time to show you what we’re all about.”
“Oh we’re a ‘we’ now?” Julian says but he doesn’t make a move to rescue me.
Cape steps beside me and wraps a warm arm around my shoulders, walking me back. He leans his head down in faux whisper. “Should have ran when you had the chance.”
“That’s real nice, Cape,” Margo sighs.
“What? She’s too soft for this shit, better to rip the band-aid off now.” He plants me back at the counter and lets go. I release the breath that was clogged in my chest. I try to straighten up, realizing that Cape can smell fear, and I don’t want to be targeted again.
“She’s fine,” Julian says.
“Sure she is,” Cape sneers.
“Boys, now is not the time.”
“Just because you fucked up—” Julian’s voice raises and I flinch.
Fuck.I need to get a hold of myself.
“Yeah. I fucked up and got Madison killed. It had nothing to do with the nature of the business.”
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night.”
Dillon has taken a seat, head whipping back and forth, looking like he wants a bowl of popcorn for the show. Is this routine?
“We need a liaison.” Margo tries to take back the conversation.
“We also need to make up the shipment,” Julian says.
“Cape, you go to—” Margo starts.
“Cape isn’t going anywhere. Cape is done,” Cape says, pulling out a barstool.
Margo looks to the ceiling in an exasperated prayer.
“Done?” Julian leans on the counter. “Just done?” He shrugs his shoulders. “You think you can just get out? Like that?” He snaps his fingers.
“Jules, leave your brother alone.”
“No, Ma. He wants out. We’re going to have to kill him.”
“I’d like to see you try.” Cape laughs.
“Shouldn’t be too hard since you don’t have much of a fight left in you.”
“I don’t have fight left in me?” Cape stands. “I wonder why the fuck that is.”
A tremor rolls through Cape’s shoulders and it takes everything in me not to step back again.
“Jules,” Margo warns, but he acts as if he doesn’t hear her, pushing up off the counter.
“We have a real fucking problem here, Cape. One that we have limited time to solve and you want to wallow in your pity.”
“Wallow?” Cape roars. “She’s fucking dead. Dead! Gone!” He charges around the counter towards Julian.
“And I’m sorry. I’m truly fucking sorry. I loved Madison. She was like a sister to me. But you have to man the fuck up.”