Page 137 of Vicious Sentiments

“We both want to feel you,” Cape rumbles in my ear, and I realize that Julian is now on his knees and coming down over me.

Yes,I think and spread myself as wide as I can go.

He holds his cock against my entry, and Cape slips out just enough to make room for his brother. When I feel his wet tip against me, I squirm to get him inside of me and I’m thankful when he doesn’t hesitate.

They both fill me, and Cape holds my legs open so I can take them deeper. We all rock in unison as I moan, but once Julian puts his mouth on my nipple I’m right back to being on the edge. He sucksand fucks me to the same rhythm.

I throw my arms around his neck as I feel Cape pulsate. I don’t wait, thankful and ravenous that it’s time, and I feel myself flood around them as my body shakes and I scream. Julian is barely a second behind and he bites gently at my breast as he cums inside of me.

They both slowly pump into me and I sag in satisfaction. My eyes flutter closed.

I think I can sleep now.

Chapter Sixty-Eight

Ihave my arms clenched around Cape’s waist for dear life as he goes a fast five miles per hour down the street to Margo’s. I think even Julian, who is walking at a leisure pace on the sidewalk beside us, is going faster than us, but I’ve never been on a motorcycle. I don’t understand how we haven’t tipped over.

I have no idea how Cape expects me to learn to ride on my own, but I can’t help and admit how cute the helmet he got me is. It feels like forever ago that he came home with the Harley Davidson bag, but it wasn’t until today that he reached inside and revealed the sleek black helmet.

I have no doubt that it’s because Marney got to come home today.

For the past week, I started to lose hope, but then two days ago her eyes opened and they removed the intubator and she could breathe on her own.

Pure relief flooded through me so violently that I sobbed at her bedside till she rolled her eyes at me. Her throat was still sore from the ventilator and she couldn’t talk, but I got the hint.

She’s stuck on bed-rest now but she’s sorely mistaken if she thinks I’m not going to squeeze in beside her and make us watch every single rom-com that’s ever been made.

Cape suddenly lets go of the handlebars and I screech. “Stop!”

He chuckles darkly and grabs them again. “You were supposed totake them,” he says through the muffle of his helmet.

I try to rear my head around so he can see how utterly terrified I am and that I will not be taking any handlebars anytime soon but I forget I’m wearing a helmet too and he can’t see.

When we make it to the kitchen, Margo is sipping a cup of coffee in front of a pile of bacon and eggs.

“No muffins,” she says. “I didn’t have time to grab any.”

“We’re not here for muffins, Ma,” Julian says.

She nods stiffly and my heart constricts for her. Things have been tense between everyone, and I only hope that once Marney is up and bossing everyone around that things will go back to normal.

“Well, go on up. She’s sick of me fussing.” She motions her cup towards the stairs, and I don’t wait for Cape and Julian.

I take the steps two at a time and then knock lightly on her door.

“I’m totally fine,” she pouts once I sit beside her.

I bite my lip to stop from snickering. Her ankle is in a colossal cast that sticks out from the blanket and while she doesn’t have gauze wrapped around her head anymore, she still has a massive bandage behind her ear that has her hair sticking up and frizzy in that spot.

“I’m serious.” She smacks my hand. “I don’t have any headaches. I’m not seeing spots. I’m fine. I don’t want to be stuck in bed,” she huffs. “I want to go to the salon and see if Mipsy can put an extension in where I’m missing hair.” She touches the bandage lightly.

I fight back a smile and shake my head. “Maybe let it heal before you go clipping things to your skull.”

“They don’t clip in! Mipsy only does fusions. It’s where they use a keratin bonded with heat,” she explains as I grab the remote.

It takes a good ten minutes of me flicking through options before I land on Titanic and press play. Cape and Julian come in for a few minutes but then leave when me and Marney swoon over Leo. We’re barely to the part where they handcuff Jack to the pole when sheshifts and speaks.

“Margo won’t tell me what happened to Dillon.”