The basket overflowed with an assortment of food: fresh fruit, local cheese, fragrant bread, and delicately carved slices of roasted meat.
“This is one of my favorite spots,” Kai said as we settled in, and I hummed in awe.
We settled on the cushions, and the three of them worked together, setting out the picnic spread with ease. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes and resonated with me. I realized that I wanted to get used to this. I wanted to completely let go of my past and all the horrors that I suffered at Silas’ hands. I loved the feeling of being around Kai, Rhys, and Rowan. I enjoyed how giddy I always felt.
The next hour unfolded in a tapestry of conversation and laughter. We had conversations surrounding the simplest, but most fun topics, and I learned a little more about the three of them. Kai surprised me with his deep appreciation for music and his talent for mimicking animal calls. Rowan regaled me with tales of daring hunts and hilarious pack pranks, and Rhys and I spoke about our love for books and exchanged knowledge on the books we had both read. It was so beautiful that I didn’t want the day to end.
“Elara,” Rhys began, his voice low and rumbling, a stark contrast to the cheerful chatter of earlier. “There’s something we were hoping to discuss with you.”
My heart skipped a beat at his words, and I wondered if they were about to reference my slip-up at the mall. “What is it?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“You see,” Rowan started, his hand hovering near mine, “the mating bond…it’s not always a simple binary. Yes, it can form the deepest bond between two wolves, but sometimes it might not be enough, especially in a situation like ours…” he faltered, searching for the right word.
Kai stepped in, his voice as steady as a rock. “What we’re trying to say is, a polyamorous bond like this one—it’s rare, but it exists. The three of us…we feel a connection to you, an undeniable pull. But beyond that, beyond our bond, we want something more with you. We want to build a relationship that goes beyond just the mate bond,” he concluded.
My mind reeled from their words. Yet, as their words echoed in the quiet clearing, a strange sense of decision settled withinme. The connection I felt with each of them was unique and undeniable. And I knew that I wanted to explore it too.
“You don’t have to give an answer right now, you can think about it and be sure that it’s something you want,” Rhys urged, but I shook my head.
“I want to build a relationship with you three too, but all of this is new to me.”
“Trust me, it’s new to all of us too. Didn’t ever think I’d have to share a mate with these two,” Kai said playfully, and I giggled, especially when Rhys and Rowan both flipped him off.
“We’ll make it work. Don’t worry,” Rowan added, pulling me closer to him to place a kiss on my lips.
We continued to watch the sunset, the silence punctuated only by the chirping of crickets and the rustle of leaves in the wind. As the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon, I felt it again. This time even more fiercely than before, and it sent a raging fear through me.
It was different in the parking lot because I knew just anyone could have been looking my way, but here in this secluded clearing with just the four of us, it definitely meant we had been followed.
And just to my right, I saw it. There was someone watching us from the shadows. The sight of it made my blood run cold.
Chapter 20
The insistent chirp of my phone jolted me awake, and I groaned, reaching for the device on the nightstand to pull it close to me. I cracked my eyes open and saw that sunlight was peeking through the blinds, painting golden stripes across my rumpled sheets. I fumbled with the phone, squinting at the message notification until I eventually got it right. It was a message from Elara, a simple, “Good morning, sleepyhead”, accompanied by a winking emoji, but it made me smile.
I opened the message thread to see that she had left me another.
“Rhys is going to eat your toast if you don’t come down soon. I’ve been protecting it but I’m not sure how much longer I can hold him off.”
I laughed out at the message, before typing a quick reply.
“Good morning darling. Make sure he doesn’t get it. I’ll be right down.”
I pulled myself out of bed and rushed through my morning routine. It had been over two weeks since our date and the official start of our relationship, and it was going even better than I could have imagined. There was no awkwardness or unease between us, and it was mind-blowing how easily we each had been able to settle into the routine.
Once I was done taking a shower and dressing, I pulled my hair into a man bun, making a mental reminder about Elara’s appointment at the salon later in the day.
I heard Elara’s infectious laughter even before I reached the dining room, and it sent a warm feeling through me. Her vibrant personality was something I was quickly getting used to, especially since the last couple of weeks had presented a more relaxed and happier version of her.
“… wouldn’t know if I had one slice. That should be his punishment for waking up late.” I heard the last bit of Rhys’ words as I approached the dining room, and I rolled my eyes.
“You woke up late yesterday, and nobody ate your food,” came Elara’s response and I pushed open the door.
“Finally, here you are! I protected your toast,” Elara said excitedly as I walked into the room. I walked toward her, bending down to scatter kisses across her face, an action that made her squeal with laughter.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” I replied, accepting the plate of food she gave me.