Page 71 of The Moment Promised

“He doesn’t have to know, and I can miss this one day, it’s no big deal.” He takes each step down the stairs carefully and puts me in the passenger seat of his mom’s car.

He walks around to the driver’s seat, buckles in, and backs out of my driveway. “Donottell my mother about this. She won’t let me get my license if she finds out I drove her car without it.”

I nod.

We get to Finn’s house. The car ride is silent. Every few beats Finn glances at me, as if I am not going to be here the next time he looks.It’s only a stomach bug. I want to tell him this, but for some strange reason, maybe the fever, Iwanthim to look at me like that.

Finn parks his mom’s car and we both walk to the front door. He insisted on carrying me, and I insisted on walking.

The walk from the car to the front door is ten feet, max.

We compromised, and now Finn holds my hand, ready to steady me if I go weak. I try incredibly hard to ignore the waves of heat going through my body from the way his hand feels in mine.

Finn’s house is silent when we go inside, but the Walker’s infamous scent gives me a new boost of energy.

“I’ll take you upstairs, you can lay in my bed.”

“I’ve been in bed for the past two days, I’m starving.”

I sit on the kitchen counter as Finn throws two pieces of bread in the toaster.

“I’m sorry about my dad,” I say, while twisting a strand of hair around my finger.

Finn turns to me, with a serious demeanor. “Adeline.” He walks toward me and peers straight into my eyes. “Please don’t apologize for his actions. Ever again.”

I swallow. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

He points a finger, using it to touch my nose. “And stop apologizing all the damn time.”

The toaster dings and Finn plates my toast, handing it to me. “You must be dehydrated, let me go grab you an electrolyte drink.”

In his absence, I’m smiling because of how much Finn cares about me. He skipped school, risked driving without a license, and climbed his way through my window despite his debilitating fear of heights. All for me.

I realize Finn is my favorite person in this entire world.



“That’ll be six dollars and fifty-five cents, dear,” the older lady says, about to prepare my iced vanilla coffee with almond milk and caramel drizzle.

I hand her my card, and she swipes it with a smile. But her smile quickly falls as she swipes it for a second time. While leaning in she whispers, “It declined, sweetie.”

I cock my head. I had a little over three hundred dollars saved up in my checking… How could I already have spent it all? “Um, could you try one more time, please?” I beg, the line behind me getting significantly longer.

I’m playing that fun game, the one where I go back in time and don’t blow all my money on lingerie and ziplining. Technically I still have money in my savings, and a trust my grandparents set up for me in their will. But that money is for emergencies, and to eventually move out, once my mom can survive without me.

“Sure.” She sympathetically smiles. She swipes it, handing it back to me with remorse.

A hand meets my lower back. “I’ve got it, love,” Finn says, handing the cashier his card.

Relief washes over me. “Thank you.”

We take a seat at a small table. The cozy atmosphere is inviting, with wood lining the walls, similar to Charlie’s Steakhouse. Music plays at the perfect volume.

“Fancy seeing you here.” I lean over the round table, going to kiss his cheek but he turns his head at the last second, my lips slamming into his.

The tips of my ears catch fire.