“No. No he doesn’t.” His voice comes out so quiet. “Sleep well, love.” He pulls the switch to the lamp, turning everything to black.
“So, tell me about you and Finn,” Chloe says with a mouthful of a giant pretzel. The food court is small in the so-called mall, with only a few restaurants which are all small businesses. Not a single chain restaurant in sight, I love it.
Chloe insisted on taking me shopping.
What a loaded question. “Not much to tell.” I shrug, dipping my churro into mermaid magic sauce. If there’s something to say about Authensville, it’s that theylovetheir names.
“There’s always something to tell. How long have to guys been together?” she asks, prying as if hopeful for some juicy details.
“We aren’t together.”
She grins at me with squinted eyes like she is anticipating the punch line.
“We aren’t,” I tell her, point blank.
She frowns. “Why are you lying?”
I laugh, meeting her gaze and telling her I’m not lying.
“Fine, but just so you know, you guys are not fooling the entire world with all the touching and flirting. Just saying.”
I hardly know this girl, but something tells me I can trust her. So, I explain everything from how we met to how hopelessly in love I am.
She hasn’t said anything up until now, like she’s really taking everything in.
“Wait," she finally says. “So, you mean to tell me you two aren’t…well, you know?”
I cock my head in confusion.
“You guys aren’t hooking up?” she asks, a little too loud.
An elderly couple gives us a judgmental look before returning to their pizza.
“No.” I shrug. “Don’t get me wrong, I want to. I don’t know what is going to come out of this vacation.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I’ve also never...” My face burns.
She seems clueless, forcing me to say it.
I sigh. “I’m a virgin.”
“Now you’re lying.” She shakes her head. “You ooze sexuality.”
I laugh, “What?”
“I’m not making this shit up, Adeline. Look, two o’clock. All those guys are practically drooling over you. You carry yourself like you own the room.”
She says this with so much conviction, but still, I don’t believe a single word. Me owning any room? Yeah right.
“Fine, don’t believe me and spend therestof your life suppressing your true power.”
I take a long sip of water. “You read a lot of self-help books, don’t you?”
She brightens, like I’ve just brought up her favorite topic. “Yes! Why, do you want me to lend you one?”
I try to steer us back to the main point, reminding her of Finn.
“I think you should stop worrying, Adeline. You should see the way he looks at you.” She shakes her head, as if picturing it now. “You’re too wrapped up in your own thoughts to see it, but I’m willing to bet the restaurant he feels the same about you. I catch him watching you from across the room like you’re a shooting star, or something. Like you’re this exceptionally rare person he can’t take his eyes off.”
Hearing someone else talk about us does something strange to my heart. I try to picture Finn watching me how she says, but I can’t.