Page 56 of The Moment Promised

Life isn’t that simple.

Yes, she had free will, but when you’re being physically and emotionally abused, the free will to leave gets further and further out of reach, until you are blind to it altogether. Until you forget what it was like to be in the driver’s seat of your own life.

I’ve promised myself for as long as I can remember, to strive for somethingmore. I never knew what it would look like, I didn’t know what it would feel like to touch it. I just knew it was out there, and it wasmine. Standing here, in Finn’s embrace, I know I’ve found it, and never want to let it go.

This fling is the closest thing I’ll have to a happily ever after, so I’ll soak it all in before my time runs out.

There’s no one I trust more than Finn.

He is beautiful. I never noticed the guard of steel he held up until this moment. In its absence I can see every emotion that passes behind Finn’s eyes. Standing here in the presence of him when he is the most authentic version of himself makes me feel so lucky. Not everyone gets to see him this way.

He kisses me hard, drawing his hands down my arms then up my back into my hair. I wince when his fingers get caught in the tangled knots. Tears prick my eyes from the pain of him accidentally pulling my hair.

He gently removes his hands, placing a soft kiss to both my eyelids. “I’m sorry.”

“Maybe we should shower. I need to condition my hair and brush it.” I rub my arms. “It’s also freezing in here.”

He places a kiss to my cheek, and somehow it feels more intimate than making out. “You want to shower first?”

I shrug it off. “No, it’s okay. Getting these tangles out will take a while. There won’t be any hot water left for you.”

“Can’t argue with that.” He steps away from me, unzipping his suitcase and grabbing only a pair of boxer briefs and black shorts. “I’ll be right out,” he says, closing the bathroom door behind him.

I daydream of joining him in the shower, but there’s no way I’ll be the first one to make a move like that.

Atlanta isbusy.

Our hotel is near a suburban neighborhood, it’s the closest place to get away from the chaos of the city.

Finn and I walk together on the sidewalk.

After our separate showers, we cuddled up and slept together, but when we woke up it was like nothing had changed. We bantered back and forth like always, no kissing, no proximity.

I almost think I dreamt the whole thing.

“Open house from eight a.m. to noon,” Finn says slowly, like he’s reading something far away.

I squint my eyes, finding the sign in someone’s yard.

“It’s a quarter after ten,” I say, mischievously. “Can we go…pretty please?”

He nods his head with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

“I don’t see the point of this,” he complains, coming up to the house.

I tap his shoulder to let me down. “It will befun.” I drag out the word, reminding him of his birthday wish to have fun this summer.

You know how everyone has a specific smell? Well, the people who lived in this home smell freaking amazing. Like pumpkin spice, despite it being July.

Finn and I step into the well-lit living room, a tall lady dressed in business clothes eagerly approaches us.

“I’m Shanna, the real estate agent, and you two are?” She is full of energy, holding out a hand for us to shake.

“I’m Finn, and this is my fiancé, Adeline.” He wraps a firm arm around me while shaking her hand. I awkwardly nod along with Finn.

She gives us a sincere smile. “Aren’t you two adorable?” She pushes up her black framed glasses that keep slipping down her nose. “Welcome.” She gestures with her hand to the house. “This is a four bedroom, I’m not sure exactly what you lovebirds are searching for, but this home is perfect for starting a family.”

“Well.” Finn looks at me with loving eyes.