I pull open the nightstand drawer and find the remote to the small TV. I turn it on, the local news starts playing. I click the button to go to the next channel, it’s a cooking show. I go to the next one and the news plays again.
There are only two channels, so cooking it is.
I hear the bathroom door open and peek up. I have to take a deep breath to keep from drooling.
Finn is wearing joggers that stop right at his hips, and a pair of black socks. That’s it. His muscles curve and twist around his arms, moving while he rubs a towel over his tousled, wet hair. My eyes move all around his body. I turn my attention back to the TV.
For fuck’s sake, Adeline, get a hobby or something.
Finn finally settles in for the night, going under the covers. My leg accidentally brushes against his. I mumble a quick apology and roll over, facing the stupid bowl of condoms.
A half hour goes by, I hear pages turning so I’m assuming Finn is reading a book or something. I make a distinct effort not to look, because he is still shirtless and still as hot as ever.
“Do you need the light?” Finn’s hand touches my shoulder as he peers over me, seeing if I’m awake.
“No.” I yawn, turning around to face him again.
He reaches over to the lamp on the side of the bed, pulling the string to turn it off. He lays down. The dim glow from the moon helps me make out his features. He gives me a lopsided smile. “I’m really happy we’re doing this.”
Now I’m smiling. Despite the circumstances with my mother right now, I am happy. “Me too. Thank you for this.”
“Wherever you go, I’ll be right there. Always.” The mattress dips when he scoots in closer.
My knee meets his thigh. He doesn’t do anything to correct it. I stay still.
So does he.
He leans forward, placing a barely there kiss to my forehead. “Sleep well, love.”
Pesky insects swarm my stomach.
I squint my eyes at the brightness of my phone and sigh. It’s only one in the morning. I look to my right, Finn lays with his hand under his face. His mouth hangs slightly open, his closed eyes hold a peacefulness to them. I can watch Finn sleep all night long, never once tiring. His slow inhale and exhale move the comforter up and down. Its mesmerizing, watching the person you love simplybreathe.
How did I become such a cliché?
I slowly lift the blanket off my body and tip toe to the bathroom. I comb my hair and put on some lip balm. I have so much energy, I wish it was the morning. I stare at myself in the mirror for what feels like a vain amount of time and quietly settle back into bed, trying not to wake Finn.
“What’s with all the noise, Sleeping Beauty?” Finn’s raspy voice settles into the night.
I gasp. Guess I wasn’t as discrete as I thought. “Sorry,” I whisper.
“No, thank you, actually. You pulled me out of the most boring dream.”
I cover my mouth to stifle a giddy laugh. Partly because I am thankful to be able to talk to Finn right now to ease the boredom. “If you’re having boring dreams then what does that say about you?”
My eyes adjust to the darkness, I can make out a dimpled smile. Finn turns on his side, so he’s facing me, our knees knock together again but neither of us move.
“That a crazy girl kidnapped me and forced me to drive her across the state, and now all I dream about is the road.” He says, “She’s hot though.”
My eyes widen, and that flirty energy twirls back in, dancing and parading around my heart. “What would this hot girl want with you?”
He shrugs, inching in closer, his knee grazes my inner thigh. “I’ve been wondering that all my life.”
My voice comes out sensually low, “Maybe she thinks you’re special.”
His eyes fall, no longer looking at mine. “I’m just a guy who happened to be at the right place at the right time.”