Page 45 of The Moment Promised

We have everything. Trust, belonging, companionship,love. We might not share romantic love, but there is love here none the less. Altering with our perfectly established ecosystem will throw everything off balance. We won’t make sense, things will change. We’ll lose more than we will gain. We can never be more because we’ve already got it all. We weren’t meant to be romantic partners. We aremorethan just that. He’s my person and I am his.

Becoming anything but friends will put all of that at risk. I can’t chance sinking my lifeboat.

I think about my mom and dad, the fighting, the tears, how complicated it all was. With Finn, it’s as easy as inhaling.

I ease into this newfound peace and let out a breath, one I have been holding in since I was nine years old. I never realized until now, I spent every day falling a little bit in love with him. It wasn’t obvious back then, but right here, right now, with ten years of built-up love, I feel it in every cell of my body.

“I love being your best friend too.” It’s for the best to keep things between us as they are, and I always knew we’d never actually be anything but friends. And yet it feels like a dream has been ripped away from me.

I always knew love hurt, but I never imagined it hurting like this.


There’s one, turn right!” I say quickly, clutching Finn’s phone in my hand and staring at the GPS. My phone stays plugged into the charger since I used up its battery reading an eBook for the past two hours.

“Jeez lady, you couldn’t have told me a few yards before we got to it?” he jokes, making a U-turn so he can make the turn I made him miss. Oops.

We go down a dark, narrow road until we reach the neon sign that readsotel.

“I think someone stole the M,” I joke, trying to lighten up the very eerie mood.

“This is the only hotel in the area?” Finn asks, a yawn breaking up his voice.

I pinch the digital map on my phone to get a wider view, the next hotel is an hour away. There is no way Finn, or I could drive for another hour; we’re both beat. I tell Finn this and he sighs.

We pull into the parking lot, and I let out an exhausted laugh. There is only one other car, probably the person working the front desk. The only source of light is a streetlamp that flickers on and off. Swarms of moths flutter around the light, only to be disappointed every few beats when it goes completely dark.

Finn puts an arm out in front of me, stilling me while he gets out first. I unbuckle my seat belt and jump out anyway.

“You are one stubborn lady, you know that?” he whispers, popping open the truck.

I round the car until I reach the back where he is. I smile a wide, innocent smile.

He rolls his eyes and reaches for my bag. My eyes make the journey up and around the curves of his muscles. His skin pulls taught with each movement, accentuating his biceps and triceps.Best friends, Adeline. Nothing else.

I clear my throat and offer a helping hand.

“You can grab the pepper spray in the glove compartment,” he says, easily grabbing his heavy bag.

I go to reach for my bag that sits on the ground, and he swats my hand away. “A pretty lady shouldn’t have to carry her own bag.” He gives me a sarcastic smile.

I give up and grab the can of pepper spray, despite there being only one other car. I tuck it into my bra, creating an obvious bulge.

A chill runs down my spine at the ghostly silence. The buzzing of the streetlamp and our footsteps are the only sounds to disrupt it. Even so, I can’t shake the creepy feeling. I grab ahold of Finn’s belt loop, hiding behind my best friend.

Quick footsteps get closer, and something bolts in front of us—Ah!I shriek, climbing up Finn’s back. My heart beats out of my chest.

“Aw.” I smile, letting out a relieved breath when I realize the thing running was just a black cat who is now eating from a bowl to my right.

“Holy shit, Adeline, I thought you saw a fucking ghost.” He brings his now empty hand to his chest. I laugh at the way he dropped the bags from me startling him.

“You were scared!” I jump down, pointing an accusing finger at his chest.

He shakes his head. “No”

“Oh, yousowere. I bet there’s even a wet spot in your jeans.” I laugh so much.

I gasp when Finn grabs ahold of my sides. “No-no-no,” I plead, and he gives me a look that saysI winand starts tickling me.