“I’m fucking done, with both of you.” He points to my mom who stands frozen in fear, and to me. “I want you both out of my fucking life!” He stomps away, breaking the floorboards beneath him, or so it sounds.
My mother and I stare at one another in a state of shock, and complete fright. We flinch each time something shatters downstairs. It sounds as if he’s punching holes into the walls. It’s as if a tornado endlessly rages throughout our home, until finally the front door slams shut.
We’re left in the quiet aftermath of a storm.
Jason is gone.
Adeline, slow down,” Finn says.
“Get her to stop!” Chloe’s voice barely registers in my head, I guess she’s in the room now.
“I’mtrying,” Finn bites back.
I hear them talking but have no idea what they’re saying. I can’t focus on them.
I pull open drawers, gather clothes, and toss them into my suitcase, or maybe Finn’s. It doesn’t much matter anyways, they will inevitably end up in the same location. I push past a body, making my way to the bathroom. I’m stilled by a firm grip to my forearm.
“Adeline.” Finn pulls me into his chest, the last place I should be right now, but the place I want to be the most. I try to fight the affection, but I sink into his breaths. Like an ice cube inevitably melting into warm water.
“I’m here, love. I’m right here.” His hand rests on my lower back, the other brushes through my hair. “Will you join me?”
Here in Charlie’s guest room. Right, the familiar smell of cinnamon and clove and deodorant brings my heartrate down. I slowly breathe him in, my trembling hands easing into stillness.
“Chloe, go grab a glass of water,” he says with ease, yet a hint of authority.
Some time goes by, and I continue to inhale and exhale. Waves of reality wash over me. I try to process what just happened, what this means. The only thing anchoring me to the present is Finn’s hand wrapped around mine.
I slowly sip the water. A small hand takes away the glass when I am finished. Chloe’s yellow nail polish finally registers, I turn to her, and then back to Finn.
Chloe is here.
And so is Finn.
Right, I heard her voice.
“Guys.” My voice cracks over the word. I slowly back up to the bed and sink into it. “My dad… He’s back. He’s with my mom.” I shake my head. “How is he there?”
Finn eases down next to me, bringing my head onto his lap. Chloe’s blurry figure moves until she’s sitting next to Finn. Her fingers stroke my hair.
More tears fall, I feel like anymore and I will drown.
“I don’t know, love,” Finn says as I weep in the fetal position. “But I’m here, and I won’t let you go.”
I hold onto the promise with all my might, gaining more clarity. Anger ignites fire in my core, and the tears stop.
“I don’t know how he even knew she was in rehab.” I wrack my brain, trying to find where I slipped. “I need to get my mom away from him. I hope she didn’t relapse.” I sit up, already planning.
“Okay,” Finn speaks in a controlled voice. “Let’s pack, but more…organized.” He looks at the mess I’ve made.
I make my way to Charlie’s bedroom. Apparently, that’s where the washing machine is.
I grab the handful of clothes Finn washed last night from the dryer, but something catches my attention.
I drop the clothes and step over them, grabbing a picture from Charlie’s shelf of framed photos and look closer at it. A young man, who looks like Charlie without the smile lines and crow’s feet, and a woman with long, beautiful hair smiles at me.