I’m caught in a wave of passion like a rip current taking me someplace far, far away.
He possesses my lips with his as he slowly unwinds every nerve ending inside of me. Our pleasure filled sounds get drowned out in our emotional kiss. He’s set a slow pace, teasing me, and leaving me wanting more. He takes his time, as if we’ve got forever left.
I hope we do.
He kisses my neck tenderly. So full of love. I gasp as he quickens his pace, I meet every one of his thrusts so we never truly part. His forehead presses into mine, his eyes are bright and focused so intently on mine. I grip his back, my fingernails scraping his skin, but he doesn’t look pained. Instead, his eyes darken with his groan. “Come with me, my love,” he rasps.
I widen my eyes, nodding quickly. His lips crash so hardly into mine and we come down together, letting the shockwaves crash into us as we come down.
It isn’t long before he’s inside me again. We try out best to make up for lost time in the span of a night, making love until we are physically unable to do it again.
My hair sticks to my forehead, which is shimmering in a coat of sweat. Finn and I are entangled in each other’s limbs, so intertwined that I can’t make out where I end and he begins. The cool air bites my bare skin, somehow the comforter ended up on the floor, and the pillows scatter across the bed.
“Wow,” he breathes. “That was so…” He smiles against my lips. “Perfect—special.” He shakes his head. “There are no words.”
“As special as the other times?” I ask, not really wanting to know the answer but my insecurities forcing me to find out anyway. I flip onto my stomach, resting my upper body on Finn’s chest. The thought of him being with another woman…orwomen…besides me makes me feels a possessiveness I’ve never known before.
He looks at me puzzled, so I elaborate, “The other times you’ve done what we just did.” My cheeks heat up.
“Adeline,” he says, “I’ve never done that before, just like you.”
My eyes widen and suddenly my heart skips a beat because…that makes this even more special. Finn hasn’t been intimate with anyone else.
He’s only mine. And I’m only his.
Chloe’s ‘famous avocado toast’ coming right up.” She beams, coming into the living room balancing two plates. She gracefully sets them on the coffee table and sits down next to me on the couch.
We eat in comfortable silence. “I had sex!” I eventually blurt out. Finn made me pinky promise not to tell Chloe, which I kept for a week…until now.
Her eyes widen, and she lifts a brow. “Was it the cute guy from the café?”
A week ago, a boy, no older than fifteen, gave me his number at a café, Chloe’s been teasing me ever since. “Chloe,” I groan.
“With Finnegan?” She cocks her head.
I look at her likeduh.
She shifts her attention to me. “Spill.”
I fill her in, leaving most details out, but she pulls a few out of me.
“Hewantedto go down on you?” she questions for the millionth time, only this time Finn had just walked through the door with Charlie. Both dripping in sweat.
Finn’s eyes shoot bullets at us, and I feel every inch of embarrassment as I slowly glance at Charlie, who is just nowpulling off his chunky wireless headphones. “What’s with all the staring.”
A wave of relief crashes into me, until Finn’s eyes dart between Chloe and me.
“Really, Adeline? Youpinkypromised.” He slumps down between us on the couch, grabbing the piece of crust off my plate and plopping it into his mouth. Charlie wipes a rag over his head and neck, taking the chair in the corner of the living room.
“Am I missing something?” Charlie asks.
“No,” Finn, Chloe, and I say all at once…a little too fast.
“Okay then,” Charlie says, unfazed by the weirdness that’s very evident in the air.
Chloe changes the subject with ease, “So, are you guys planning on traveling anywhere else before you go back home to the Keys?”