That in your hypothetical train-of-thought world, the most beautiful thing was just outside of it.
Untouchable, but punishable enough to be where you could see it.
Every worldly view would be mundane by comparison.
So, yes, you were able to experience the very outer edge of heaven, and for that moment when your eyes touch it, your soul tethers to it.
Once you walk away, back to where you came from, you’ll always feel the tug, calling you back to the place your soul calls home.
I realized that’s what you are to me.
The edge of the world.
A beautiful, unworldly place…heavenly and too perfect to exist in this plane.
Finn’s words bring tears to my eyes.
I catch my reflection in my mirrored closet. My smile is undeniably cheesy and wide. I try to remove it from my face, but I can’t. It’s going to be plastered there for the rest of the day, no doubt.
I never knew Finn thought thatdeeplyabout me. The way I’ve caught myself secretly thinking of him all those months ago.
All along, I’ve asked him questions to understand how his beautiful mind saw the world. Little did I know, he was doing the same with me, in his own way.
I can’t think of another person more perfect to love than Finn Walker.
Amber eyes and a dimpled smile come to mind.
My soulmate’s face.
I jump out of bed and throw on a pair of cotton shorts and a matching tank top. A familiar smell seeps into my nose and my mouth waters…bacon.
I love bacon.
I run downstairs with an extra pep to my step, when I get to the kitchen, I find the source of the smell.
“Well, hello there, you must be my personal chef,” I tease. When Finn turns around, I wag my eyebrows.
He takes two long strides, pulling me into him and presses his lips to mine.
He holds the small of my back, a pair of tongs in the other hand, careful not to get bacon grease in my hair.
“Sleep good?” he whispers against my lips.
“Extremely.” I smile against his, even though I slept horrible. Anxiety plagued my night, but I try to keep my worries for the future at bay for now. I want to enjoy what’s right in front of me like it’s the last time.
“Good,” he says with a deep smile that shows off his dimples.
It’s cute. “Good.”
“Well then, I better get back to work.” He steps back but doesn’t release his gaze. It sweeps over every inch of me.
My mother’s presence fills the kitchen.
I turn to her, the heaviness to her expression causes my heart to race.
She hardly acknowledges Finn, like whatever is on her mind is too vast to capture anything else.
“What’s wrong?” I hate the way my hands automatically shake. My nervous system picks up the smallest signs of distress and runs with it.