Today at school you said something.
Well, you’re always sayingsomething, but for some reason, this something really hit me.
We were sitting at our usual table for lunch, talking about our plans for next year…Senior year. I spent five minutes complaining to you about SAT prep.
But you didn’t say anything, you didn’t even look at me. You just stared off at the cafeteria wall, nodding every few sentences, as if you were in a trance.
I’d assumed you just zoned out because you weren’t interested in hearing me complain. If you were any ordinary girl, I would’ve been insulted.
I didn’t care that you weren’t listening to me, though. I was too busy wondering what the hell was going on behind those big brown eyes.
I talked and talkedandtalkedabout SAT prep, not because I cared about it, but because I wanted to watch the way you stepped outside of the world, and into your daydream.
The most authentic you, I guess you could say.
If I were as selfless as I wish to be, I’d say my motives were to give you a break from the thousands of thoughts you always seem to have.
And there’s some truth to that, but it’s only twenty five percent of the reason.
Seventy five percent was so I could just stare at you, and you wouldn’t notice how interested I was, because you’d be souninterested.
Gosh, does this even make sense?
I hope it does, Adeline.
Anyway, after the best five minutes of my life, you suddenly spoke.
“Too bad Earth isn’t flat,” you said. Your eyes hadn’t left the spot they had spent the past five minutes.
And oh my god, Adeline, the way my stomach somersaulted at your voice. My heart sped in anticipation just to hear the way your brain worked.
I could spend every second of every day listening to you narrate your train of thought.
“Why?” I asked.
You smiled like you’ve been waiting decades for me to ask you to elaborate.
I didn’t realize a smile could hurt your cheeks, but mine did, when I watched your eyes look at mine and smile right at me.
This girl, this spectacular girl, whom I’ve almost convinced myself was a figment of my imagination, was sharing a smile withme.
Was smilingatme.
In that moment, I decided I would do anything to get you to smile at me like that again...for the rest of time.
“Because,” you said, “I bet the edge of the world would have thebestview.”
I laughed.
You laughed at me laughing, brightening and pinkening.
Gosh, you’re beautiful, Ad.
I’ve always known it, but wow.
I thought about what you said, about the edge of the world having the best view. I pictured the world, squished down from a sphere to a pancake, pictured the treacherous journey to the very edge.
It made me sad, Adeline.