“You think that Wade loves me?” Marina stammered.

“Yes, yes, I know he’s ‘engaged’—whatever that means in this day and age—but I dragged the whole story out of him. That woman doesn’t deserve him. And believe me, I’ve lived here longenough to hear stories about the Gravois clan. Bad news. They sully their French heritage.”

Marina smothered a laugh at Mrs. Sutton’s indignant description. She reached out a hand to steady herself but found empty air. Her legs trembled and her voice shook. “I—I don’t know what to say.”

“Yes, you do. You need to reach out and show him you still love him and need him. I don’t think he’ll do it. Not until after he tells Lydia Gravois to go take a hike—and even then, he might want to wait a ‘respectable period of time’ as they say.”

Marina stifled a laugh at the expression. “But I’m leaving town tonight . . .”

Mrs. Sutton had a puzzled look on her face. “Where are you going?”

Marina lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. “Remember my antiquing trip to London? That’s the biggest reason the store is closed for the next week. I was going to meet with my buyers and discuss your antiques. Some of their collectors might be interested.”

“Yes, yes, now I remember. Some days my memory just disappears!” Mrs. Sutton threw up her hands and shook her head. “You certainly don’t let the grass grow under your feet, Miss Marina!”

“I don’t think it’s my place to chase after Wade Kennedy,” Marina said softly.

“It’s not the 1940s any longer, honey, but it might not matter. I don’t think he’s going to wait much longer to come after you. But he probably thinks today is too soon after calling it quits with that woman. Besides, he may not know your flight itinerary. He may believe you’ve already left town!”

A laugh escaped Marina’s throat at that. Oh, why did she have this trip planned now? Of course, she hadn’t expected Wade to show up out of the blue and storm back into her life.

Were Wade’s feelings true? Had he actually broken up with Lydia?

Did he still loveher?

It seemed impossible and crazy and incredibly marvelous all at the same time.

Chapter Twenty

On Tuesday late afternoon after the arrival of her overnight London flight, retrieving her luggage, going through Customs, and finding a taxi to her Bed & Breakfast, Marina’s phone buzzed the moment she inserted the key into her room lock.

Hurrying inside, Marina tossed her suitcase onto the bed and unzipped to begin unpacking.

Jet lag was hitting her like a brick in the head. She’d grab a quick dinner and go to bed. Appointments were lined up for the next three days, and she was excited at the prospects. Inventory was coming out of her ears.

It should be a productive year with so much stock and Mrs. Sutton’s home as well. Not to mention the pure joy of finding so many fascinating, historical relics from the past.

Reaching across the bed, Marina grabbed her cell phone. There was a text from Jenna.

This morning, Wade came into The Coffee Loft looking for you. I told him your shop is closed until you return from London. He looked like he’d just lost his best friend. You must know I think he’s still in love with you.I saw it in his face a week ago when he showed up at your store. Have a great trip! XO

Marina blinked and reread the message.Jenna suspected he loved her?!?

What did it mean, “Wade looked like he’d lost his best friend?”

Bunching the pillow under her neck, she rolled over to try to go to sleep, but thoughts of him crowded her brain. If she wanted to actuallygetsome sleep, she’d better turn off her phone, so the notifications were silent.

She yawned, then sat up with a start when she glanced at her phone again to power it down. One missed call and one voicemail.

Wade had left her a voicemail hours ago while she was still in the air. How had she missed it? Quickly she listened to the recorded message.

“Hey, Miss Marina Cormier,” he said, and Marina noticed there was a lilt of joy in his voice. “I just found out you already jumped the country. Hope you have a successful trip. Let’s meet at the Sutton Mansion when you return. Give me your itinerary, if you don’t mind, then we can plan a day and time? Call me back if you have any questions. Or text if that’s more convenient.”

How was she ever going to get sleep after a voicemail like that? She needed to be able to concentrate on the reason for her trip. Her mind swirled with questions. Perhaps it was just work related. Or were Mrs. Sutton and Jenna right in their assumptions?

The next few days were packed with her UK clients and customers, while Marina visited the other antique stores and a couple of auctions.

By the time she finished, she’d need to rent a warehouse to store all the new inventory. Perhaps she should put together her own auction! That sounded like a blast. She had attended enough over the years. She could probably pull it off.