“Okay,” I moan, because what other option is there?
Martise grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers, and leads me out the bathroom and back into what I now believe is hell.
“Ms. Lewis?” Cerbera calls. “Leaving so soon?”
Thankfully, Martise swoops to my rescue. “Thank you for the pleasure of your company. And props to the chef for such a delectable feast. It has been a long journey. We are going to retire for some much needed rest. We will see you at the wedding.”
I make it all the way out of the restaurant and into the car without crying, only because Martise’s tight grip is borderline painful and keeps me distracted.
Footsteps fast approaching echo in my ears, but I don’t know who it is until he says my name.
Almost immediately, my melancholy turns to rage.
None of this would be happening if it weren’t for him. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for his twisted vendetta, his morally corrupt ‘good guys’ escapade.
I remove myself from Martise’s hold and spin to face him. “What did youdo?” I shout. He blinks at me like he has no idea what I’mtalking about. Like I’m a fucking idiot. My voice rises. “You did this. He destroyed my clinic to get at you!” I jab my finger in the air between us, spewing venom at him.
He grabs my arm, yanking me toward the car where he opens the door and pushes me inside. I fall into the leather seat, my head almost hitting the window behind me. “You want to rage. Fine. Do it now in privacy, not out there where they can see us.”
“Fuck you,” I spit, lifting my leg to kick him in the balls like I should have done a thousand times when we first met. He grabs my ankle, stopping my heel from jabbing into his groin by a mere inch. I jerk my leg back, freeing myself.
“I knew he was ruthless,” Odin admits. “I knew he was psychotic. I just never anticipated he would do so much to harm you.”
“And now my clinic is gone,” I screech and throw my hands against his chest. “My mom is gone! It’s your fault. It’s all yourfault.”
“Harriet,” he says my name like it’s an apology. I can’t bear it.
“Get out!Get out!” I shove him harder, my vision completely blurred by tears.
“Etta, stop.”
Martise opens the door to the car. “Give her some space,” she demands. Odin grabs hold of my wrists, watching me intently as I pant and cry and crack. “Now, Odin.”
He doesn’t want to go. In one second, a million emotions pass in his gaze. He releases me. “I’ll make it up to you,” he says quietly and then gets out of the car. There’s a split second, before Martise takes his place, that I almost call him back in. The prospect of his arms around me is so tempting, especially with the memory of him holding me in the shower, standing united in our shared vulnerability. Then Martise is before me,grabbing my shoulders, and I realize that this is better. This is what I need.
As the engine starts, she folds herself around me and whispers atop my head, “Let it out now.”
I do as she asks.
I release myself. And by the time I reach the safety of my room, I am nothing but a husk.
It’s all your fault.
It’s all your fault.
It’s all your fault.